Faith in Process: Stretch

“Don’t be conformed to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you can figure out what God’s will is — what is good and pleasing and mature.” – Paul, Letter to the Romans 12:2 (CEB) 


The main thing is to have God; to live in God; to have God live in us; to think God’s thoughts; to love what God loves and hate what God hates; to realize God’s presence; to feel God’s holiness and to be holy because God is holy; to feel God’s goodness in every blessing of your life and even in its tribulations; to be happy and trustful; to join in the great purposes of God and to be lifted to greatness of vision and faith and hope with God – that is the blessed life. – Walter Rauschenbusch, The Culture of the Spiritual Life, 1897


If you’re bored with your faith, or theology, or the Bible,

you’re doing it wrong.


May your curiosity lead you to discover more:

Who or what is God?

Where is God?

What are God’s primary characteristics?

What are God’s limitations?

What is the Bible and what is it’s role?

Who was Jesus and what is his role?

What is the goal of faith?

How do we live faithfully?

What does faith call us to do?

How does faith inform justice issues?

How does faith shape our spending?

Things to think about...

1.        How has the process of living through stages of life been like the process of growing in faith?  How has it been different?

2.        When have you been like Nicodemus, proactively pursuing understanding?

3.        When have you been surprised like the Samaritan woman, which led you to new insights about life and faith?

4.        When have you been like Peter and Paul, whose learning was prompted by failures?

5.        What keeps you from integrating intentional learning to develop your faith?

6.        What are some of the areas about your faith you are most curious about right now?



·      The Heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg

·      How the Bible Actually Works by Pete Enns

·      Open and Relational Theology by Thomas Jay Oord

·      How I Found God in Everyone and Everywhere by Davis and Clayton (editor