Faith in Process: Connect

Watch the video of this teaching here.

Key reasons why connecting with each other matters...

Interconnectedness and Mutual Influence. CrossWalk’s theological perspective emphasizes the interconnectedness of all entities. In this view, every individual and community influences and is influenced by others. CrossWalkers, who often embrace a vision of faith that includes social justice, inclusivity, and transformation, benefit greatly from being part of a community that supports these values. Community provides a space for mutual influence, allowing individuals to grow in their understanding of justice and love through the experiences and insights of others.


Shared Experience and Collective Wisdom. Our theological perspective suggests that truth and understanding emerge from the collective experiences and wisdom of a community rather than from isolated individuals. CrossWalkers might find that their spiritual and ethical insights are deepened and refined through shared dialogue and collective reflection. A community offers diverse perspectives that can challenge, enrich, and broaden one's own understanding of faith and morality.  Diversity is wonderful and should be celebrated!


Support in the Face of Change.  CrossWalk’s theological ethos views reality as constantly evolving, with a focus on becoming and change. We seek to engage with a world that is also in flux, advocating for change and transformation in societal structures. Community provides a crucial support system as individuals navigate these changes. It offers encouragement and solidarity, helping members sustain their commitment to progressive values even when faced with opposition or uncertainty.


Ethical and Relational Growth. In our view, the development of ethical behavior is seen as a relational process. We might engage in practices that promote social justice, equity, environmental stewardship, and much more. Being part of a community allows for the practice and reinforcement of these values in relational contexts, fostering a more robust and dynamic ethical life. The community serves as a forum for ethical discussion, accountability, and action, which can enhance individual and collective moral development.

Experiencing and Acting on Divine Impulse.  Our perspective posits that God is present in the ongoing process of becoming and influencing the world through what may be called divine persuasion: the nudging and wooing of God.  In this framework, CrossWalkers might see community as a critical resource to discern and act upon these divine impulses. By working together, they can better interpret the signs of divine activity and collaborate on initiatives that align with their vision of justice, compassion, and creativity.


Encouragement of Holistic Growth. Finally, our stance supports the idea that growth is holistic, involving intellectual, emotional, relational, and spiritual dimensions. Community provides a nurturing environment where CrossWalkers can develop in all these areas. It offers opportunities for communal worship, learning, service, and support, which together contribute to a richer and more integrated spiritual life.

I give you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, so you also must love each other. This is how everyone will know that you are my disciples, when you love each other.

– Jesus, John 13:34-35 CEB 

Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially during challenging times like we are in now. – Hebrews 10:24-25 (NLT)

 A Prayer to Make Space for the Divine
(a response to Psalm 16)

As it is possible to walk through a field
Without seeing the grass
So it is possible to walk through life
Without seeing the Divine

I do not wish to believe in you
What I desire is to experience you
Not an idea in a prayer book
But a presence I can touch

Not above me
But beside me
Opposite me
Facing me
Surrounding me
Inside me
Not me
But available to me

Even if you are beyond definition
You are always within reach
Let me make a place for you
Let me be open to your voice

As I venture into scary places
Let me sense you alongside me
My prayer is simple:
Let your breath become my strength


What I Can Offer You

I cannot fix your pain
I cannot solve your problem
I can’t prevent the sorrow you’re feeling
Or even guarantee I’ll make you smile

However, because I’ve known
Joy embracing me and disappearing in the middle of the night
Feeling safe and despairing if I’ll ever feel safe again
Lowering my guard and being ambushed by camouflaged demons

And because I’ve also known
The miracle of healing when pain seemed inescapable
The joy of connection when isolation had me surrounded
Love returning and apologizing for its absence

Because I have experienced enough No in my life
To understand tragedy

Because I have been surprised by enough Yes in my life
To maintain hope

Because I’ve known
All these things
And more

I will gladly hold your hand
So you don’t have to face the pains of life alone
And I will wait with you patiently
Until the next miracle arrives