Jennifer Matheny

CrossWalk welcomes to the stage Jennifer Matheny, Assistant Professor, Nazarene Theological Seminary.u

Watch the teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

I have taught Biblical and Theological Studies at the undergraduate level for the past 8 years. Two years into this university teaching adventure, God began calling me to return to school for doctoral studies. I often describe this “invitation” similar to the dwarves (Thorin and Company) popping into Bilbo’s home (An Unexpected Party) in The Hobbit. Saying yes to this adventure in doctoral studies has given me the research space to seek interdisciplinary methods and reading strategies for some of the violent and difficult narratives in the Old Testament. From my years of teaching, preaching, and ministry, these difficult texts have been the ones that I have experienced as road blocks for many on their faith journeys. Thinking through ethical reading strategies with others has created welcome paths through some of this difficult terrain. 

Journeying with students as they seek next steps in life and ministry is one of my greatest joys. In the classroom, my hope is to create a safe space for theological dialogue and equip students to engage in the tough questions of the text (and life!). My desire is that this educational experience in seminary will be a transformative and inspiring space of integration in all contexts that students are called to participate in Kingdom work. 

My family has served for over twenty years in ministry, from youth ministry (Kansas, Missouri, California, Oklahoma, Canada) to church planting (Oregon) and church revitalization (California). 

My husband Art and I have two children and we enjoy watching them play sports. Emma (rugby and basketball!), is currently in her undergraduate studies at Westmont College. Samuel, (basketball and soccer!), is in high school.