Douglas Avilesbernal

CrossWalk welcomes to the stage Douglas Avilesbernal, Executive Minister, Evergreen

Watch this teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

Doug has been the Executive Minister for the Evergreen Baptist Association of the American Baptist Churches since 2018, a unique model for churches in our denomiation and any denomination.  When CrossWalk was encouraged to withdraw from our previous region due to our inclusivity, Evergreen and Doug welcomed us with open arms.  He has been involved with intercultural and diversity work for over 20 years. He has been actively involved with American Baptist Churches USA’s work in this regard since 1999, beginning with a program called the Xtreme Team, which sought to immerse young adults in different cultures around the world for one month at a time, allowing them to live alongside Christians different from themselves and to learn what their world was about. That work led to a continued focus for him within the American Baptist Churches denomination around the issue of intercultural engagement. Among other assignments, Avilesbernal has led annual conferences for Missionary Children for American Baptist International Ministries, where issues pertaining to life in diversity are lived out in many different contexts.