2020 CrossWalk Review

Can any of you remember the first three months of 2020?  Neither can I.  I had to go back to our YouTube Channel to remember what I was talking about.  I did a series on Old Testament characters and our children’s ministry followed suit on their own level.  Hints of COVID-19 were trickling in increasingly since before the New Year, and by mid-March, we stopped hosting worship services on campus.  We’ve offered virtual services ever since, along with virtual noon and evening Wednesday Praxis groups, virtual Teeters’ dinner group, virtual Men’s Breakfast, and virtual FUEL Women’s Brunch.  As far as our adult programming goes, we haven’t missed a beat, still offering virtually much of what we did on site, with no drop in participation.  We’ve even gained some folks! 

            Pulling off virtual Sunday services takes significantly more time than “live”.  Early on, our musicians recorded a bunch of songs to use, giving us a sense of “home” for our services – that required a lot of time from them and our sound and video team.  Thank you!  In order to have Sunday services recorded and produced has meant that I have to have everything done earlier in the week, record it, edit it, and upload it – which eats up the better part of a day or me each week.  Once uploaded to our YouTube Channel, Ted Valencia would then download it and burn DVD’s of the service for our members who don’t have internet access. Then he and Dar deliver them to their homes.  Thank you! I share this simply to make note of the fact that providing what we would normally do on site requires much more work than meets the eye – most churches are in the same boat. 

            Because of CrossWalk’s role as the primary evacuation shelter for Napa County, we have been deeply involved with Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD) for years.  Whenever a crisis hits Napa, the Office of Emergency Services activates COAD, because the County cannot meet all the needs on their own.  The COAD had to meet the unprecedented challenge, along with the County, to address food needs for about four times the regular number of people due to COVID’s impact on jobs.  Mental and Spiritual needs were pronounced as the crisis hit and continued, including needed messaging on dealing with stress.  Children!  What do you do with children during a global pandemic?  What about animals and their needs when money is tight?  What emergency financial assistance is needed and how can it get safely get where it needs to go?  What about volunteers?  How do you safely deploy volunteers during COVID?  And how do you communicate effectively with a multi-lingual community?  Along with Executive Directors of roughly two dozen non-profits in Napa County, Dar and I were honored to help provide voluntary leadership throughout this activation.  Dar is the Co-Chair of the Food Access Subcommittee, and I am the Co-Chair of the Faith Leaders Subcommittee as well as the Mental Health Leaders Subcommittee.  In addition, I am on the Executive Committee for the COAD, serving as Treasurer.  All told, for the first three months of COVID, Dar and I each logged over two days of work each week just to meet the need, all on top of our normal CrossWalk responsibilities.  COAD shifted to a more sustainable pace in July, requiring roughly a day of work each week for me.  CrossWalk’s campus and staff have been honored to serve in many capacities throughout the COVID response – we can take pride in that!  So important!

            Mother Nature didn’t care about the fact that Napans were already overly stressed with COVID, and delivered back-to-back record-breaking fires, consuming hundreds of homes, including that of our beloved CrossWalker, Karen Kenny (we stand with you!).  CrossWalk was immediately opened for each fire to provide shelter and support in partnership with Napa County.  All of this was made more complicated by COVID, of course, because it’s not safe to house people indoors during a global pandemic!  The first fire did not require much in the way of sheltering.  The second fire, however, with significantly populated areas being evacuated, flooded our campus with hundreds of evacuees.  We did the best we could to offer safe, welcome space while people waited to be placed temporarily in hotel rooms until they could return home.  But that is not a fast process, and we housed dozens before people were able to move on.  Thank you to all who were able to help while the shelters were open!  Yea CrossWalkers!

            In April, our Food Pantry stopped distribution, as everybody was directed toward the Food Bank. Karie Nuccio and Linda Smetzer, however, have been working their tails off reorganizing after we expanded and tiled their space.  They still receive donations from a couple of local grocery stores and are able to help a very limited number of clients. They put in many hours every week.  They are awesome!

            Furaha was also impacted by COVID.  Kenya shut down the schools, forcing cramped living conditions in the slums.  We immediately provided several thousand dollars to help them get food out to their most vulnerable families, which was of great help.  In October we sent thousands more to help them buy some much needed COVID-related supplies which will help them reopen safely, and we hope to send them even more in December to help them with some renovations of both the primary and high schools.

            This year has brought much grief, especially those who have lost their loved ones.  We stand with the families of Bill Swanson, Dot Hoover, Roger Langley, Larry McCart, Kenn Vigoda, Max Proteau, and Lisa Haas’ dad, Lawrence Paul Scott, Sr.  Say an extra prayer for these families as they were not able to honor their loved ones as we usually do.  Some of us have lost employment and are anxiously waiting for this season to pass.  This has been a year of strained emotions, to say the least. Breathe, please, and don’t try to go it alone.

            COVID has meant that nearly all of the groups that meet at CrossWalk have had to meet online as well.  We took advantage of the campus being empty and have completely remodeled three of our conference rooms that are used most heavily by recovery groups.  In addition, we have repainted the main lobby and hallway, giving everything a fresh look.  We intend to remodel the front office soon and repaint the Education Wing hallway as well.  We ripped up the awful carpet in our Education Wing and have replaced it with beautiful tile.  Our Gym kitchen was completely gutted, and we are working hard to bring it up to commercial grade.  We are partnering with Feeding it Forward – a local non-profit organization that captures otherwise wasted food and repurposes it for those in need.  Now that fire season is over, we will also be addressing much needed work in our locker rooms and Gym lobby bathrooms so that when we offer shelter, it will be truly hospitable.  All of these renovations have been funded apart from our General Fund.  For years we have been building designated funds from rental income, grants and directed gifts allocated for such improvements.

            CrossWalk is still open, which requires funding.  In some ways this has been an understandably difficult year financially.  We usually receive a significant amount of income from groups who rent our facility – much of that is obviously gone.  Because of the jolt COVID has done to our economy, some folks have not been able to support CrossWalk to the level that had hoped.  By those two measures – rental income and regular support, it’s been a tough fiscal year.  However, we were able to secure the Payroll Protection Program loan/grant which helped us tremendously, and a few extra, over-the-top surprise contributions and awards have also come our way which have really helped us survive.  THANK YOU for your financial support!  We cannot make it without your generosity!

            As we journey through Advent toward Christmas Day, we especially want to support our young families who are sick and tired of looking at screens.  We are supplying them with Advent kits to help them experience a more faith-filled, creative, meaningful, and interactive season in the weeks to come.

            Our purpose as a church is to follow in Jesus’ footsteps, ushering in holistic wellbeing for all people and the planet through lifelong learning, kneeling in service, proclaiming grace while pursuing justice, cultivating deep spirituality, and inclusive loving community. All things considered, I think we did pretty well.  This has been a grueling year for Dar and I – one of the most challenging and taxing in each of our respective 20+ years serving CrossWalk – much more work under much greater stress.  Thank you for your love and prayers.  We are doing our best to serve the church and the community well, hoping to make God smile and CrossWalkers proud. We are honored to serve you all – please let us know what more we can do.


With shalom toward shalom,




O Come, O Come Emmanuel: Joseph

Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. Her husband Joseph, being a righteous man and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace, planned to dismiss her quietly. But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet:

“Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,” which means, “God is with us.” 

When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took her as his wife but had no marital relations with her until she had borne a son; and he named him Jesus. – Matthew 1:18-25 (NRSV)


I don’t know about you, but my dreaming has been off the charts since COVID hit back in March.  Almost all of them nonsense.  Places that don’t make sense with people who don’t make sense being there, all with little or no redeeming value.  Sometimes I remember enough of them to share with my family.  I think they are getting concerned about me – at least that’s what last night’s dream indicated...

Dreams sometimes provide insight into our lives, at other times they serve simply as a release valve for our over-worked and over-stressed brains, and at times God speaks in dreams.  I’ve had a few over my lifetime that I couldn’t shake and that spoke to me.  In ancient times, people took such things extremely seriously.  So, while we may laugh off Joseph’s dream as the result of too many slices of pizza, the original hearers of the story would have understood it as a sign of God’s voice.  What’s harder for you to believe, that the angel Gabriel would show up to Mary in broad daylight, or that an angel would speak to Joseph in a dream?  What would have more influence on you?

            We know that Joseph was troubled as he drifted off to sleep.  Of course.  The news of Mary’s pregnancy was a serious infraction.  Some were likely calling for her to be stoned.  Joseph would have to throw the first one.  He may have wanted to kill her for what this was doing to his life, but he didn’t really want her dead.  His decision to cut his losses, to see it for what it was – a dead end – made sense.  Lights out.

            The dream’s message was offering an alternative narrative and possibility, however.  This was not the end but a beginning to a different story than he could have imagined.  It didn’t have to mean the end of hope. God was up to something – would Joseph like to get in on it?  “God with us” was the possibility – would Joseph play his part to help usher it in?

            Such a dilemma is not for the faint of heart.  It is a very human issue.  Extremely relevant.  We are all Joseph at one time or another.  We get a bad deal.  Life doesn’t treat us fairly.  People we thought we could trust don’t appear so.  People we care about hurt us.  The plans we had are laid waste.  A lot of us feel this right now thanks, in small or large measure, to COVID-19.  Some of us have lost loved ones to COVID-19.  Some have lost jobs.  Some have lost loved ones to other things but had to soldier on alone due to safety restrictions.  Some have lost their businesses.  Some have lost their homes.  It’s okay, by the way, to “fly the bird” at COVID-19 and bid it a fine F-You!  Good release.  Cathartic.  COVID is like the honey badger – it doesn’t care what you think.

            Like Joseph, we are faced with our own decisions as to how to respond to what we are all experiencing.  Joseph’s initial reaction was to divorce Mary.  That may appear kind and honorable, but it meant awful things for Mary and only sympathy for Joseph.  There is a kind of retribution in his decision which is completely understandable and rational.  It was a decision that served to protect his ego and sort of soothe his pain.

In his dream, however, he was told that God was still in the game and was wanting to even use this to bring more of God into the world.  It could still happen without Joseph.  Yet God was extending an invitation to him to join in.  All he had to do was choose the way of shalom over retribution, the way of God over ego.  Not easily done, and very disorienting.

There is another character named Joseph in the Bible’s first book of Genesis.  He is the 11th son of his very wealthy dad, Jacob, and the first-born son of his mom, Rachel.  He was created from true love, and he was dad’s favorite.  Everybody knew it, which lead to family problems.  Joseph was a dreamer and interpreter of dreams.  Sometimes the dreams were highly offensive to his brothers, who eventually reached the tipping point and got rid of Joseph by selling him into slavery in Egypt.  Not fair!  I think Joseph would be a bit angry, don’t you?  He made the best of slavery, but yet again was mistreated.  Not fair!  He was even imprisoned.  Not fair!  He made the best of it and thought he had worked out a deal with a guy who owed him a big favor that would lead to him getting released from prison.  The guy forgot for a long time.  Not fair!  Over a long period of time Joseph didn’t only grow older, he matured.  There is a world of difference between the two, isn’t there?  He let go of his anger and hatred that was eating him alive (no doubt), and instead chose the way of shalom, which also happens to lead to more shalom.  After an incredible series of events, the story gets a happy ending.  The family is reunited.  The future of Israel is secured.  God was with them the whole time.

To review, that story was about a Joseph whose dreams were used by God to invite him into what God was doing in the world, who ended up traveling all the way to Egypt, only to discover God was still with him.

In Jesus’ birth narrative, a different Joseph dreams of God inviting him to participate in what God is wanting to do – bring Emmanuel into the world, bring more “God with us” into our world.  If you’ve read ahead, you know that this Joseph also traveled to Egypt after Jesus was born (which means Jesus did, too).  Then the respective families eventually made their way back home.  It’s actually a recurring theme that runs the length of the Bible, which means there is a lesson to be learned here.  Life continually cycles through Order-Disorder-Reorder.  If you think about it for a while, you will see the pattern in your life.  When we’re in the middle of the disorder, we forget that this is simply part of life.  We freak out.  We react instead of responding.  We choose to divorce Mary quietly. But when we are still enough, I wonder if, like Joseph, we will be able to hear the voice of God inviting us to play our part in bringing Emmanuel into the world, more God with us than before.

Take heart, my friends!  And listen up!  Advent reminds us that God is with us and compels us to follow the lead of those in the story who heard the invitation to play their part, say yes.

O Come, O Come Emmanuel: Mary

Note: You can watch this teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a village in Galilee, to a virgin named Mary. She was engaged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of King David. Gabriel appeared to her and said, “Greetings, favored woman! The Lord is with you!”

Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think what the angel could mean. “Don’t be afraid, Mary,” the angel told her, “for you have found favor with God! You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David. And he will reign over Israel forever; his Kingdom will never end!”

Mary asked the angel, “But how can this happen? I am a virgin.”

The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the baby to be born will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God. What’s more, your relative Elizabeth has become pregnant in her old age! People used to say she was barren, but she has conceived a son and is now in her sixth month. For the word of God will never fail.”

Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” And then the angel left her. – Luke 1:26-38 (NLT)


Believe it or not, I have gotten tongue-tied a handful of times in my life.  Sometimes it happens when I am in the company of somebody I want to really impress.  Could be an author, or a leader of an organization I admire, or an artist, or a politician, or... who knows – could be just about anybody if the context was right.  I stand there in front of them, seemingly brainless, nothing to say, only dumb questions to ask, like, “So how’s the weather where you’re from” or “What’s your favorite burger joint?”  Important stuff to know from people I admire, these.  I’ve missed some opportunities to really pick some brains over the years, but instead learned about their favorite pizza.

Sometimes I am the person that causes other people to get tongue-tied. It’s my title.  The “Reverend” has an amazing way of freaking people out.  Sometimes it’s really funny, like when people tell some awful, classless joke or swear like a sailor or say that religious people are morons, then someone tells them I’m a pastor.  They immediately change and usually have to go wash their hair or something.  For some, I am seen as an authority figure, like a principal.  They know they are probably in trouble – they just haven’t figured out why yet and they know I must already know!  I wish they would calm down and just be themselves and let me be a human being. Let’s have a conversation.

Jesus’ birth narrative according to Luke begins with one of these understandably awkward interactions.  A young woman – maybe 12-13 years old – has this encounter with an angel of God that surely blew her mind.  Of course, she was confused.  Of course, she was disturbed. Of course, she wondered how she was going to get pregnant given her circumstances.  Of course, Gabriel gave a completely reasonable explanation of what was to come.  No need to ask any more questions – it’s all perfectly clear. I’m in.

There is a story in the Gospel of John where Jesus starts this conversation with a Samaritan woman.  He knew he was violating protocol in speaking to her – men didn’t have such conversations with women whom they deemed “less than”.  Add to that, Jesus was Jewish – Jews avoided all contact with Samaritans, whom they loathed.  None of this was lost on the woman.  She didn’t want to talk to him, either, for some of the same reasons.  But there they were.  Jesus asked her for some water (again, inappropriate in that context).  She argued.  Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water” (John 4:10). She didn’t know to ask anything more than she could.

We should expect the same of Mary.  A girl that age, facing a pre-arranged marriage and everything about her body and life changing on the horizon, I imagine her prayer/wish list was pretty basic: I hope Joseph doesn’t hurt me; I hope we can afford to eat; I hope we have a roof over our head; I hope I can get pregnant; I hope I get pregnant with sons; I hope my children live into adulthood; I hope I survive giving birth; I hope I don’t get mistreated by Roman soldiers; I hope Joseph doesn’t get killed and leave me widowed and helpless.  For her, Christ’s coming was what Maslow would predict for her prayers: basic necessities, please! Beyond that, she likely had in mind some of the things being said around her: the end of Roman oppression and the restored reign of their Jewish nation.  We should not expect her to ask, for instance, how Jesus’ death on a cross was going to become associated with substitutionary atonement which would inform communion which would raise questions about yeast and bread which would, of course, be so important as to split the Church.  She never brought it up.  Because why would she when what was going to happen in her body was much more pressing?

She had no way of knowing the fullness of what Christ’s coming would mean for her, or her son, or the Jews, or the Gentiles, or Empire, or American politics.  She could not begin to imagine what her role would do to shatter a glass ceiling – at least in the hearts of women – forever.  She could not possibly understand how what was going to take place would bring so much good into the world, and also be misused to bring horrific suffering as well.  All she had to work with was right in front of her nose. She could only imagine what the immediate future would hold when her baby bump began to show.  She couldn’t imagine what Jesus’ life would involve, or watching her son get publicly tortured to death.

Her decision was based on what she knew right then, not the whole future. She was partly star-struck, but also bound by her lack of imagination.  We all are.  We can only see in part.  And yet we are all called forward by the spirit of God to allow Christ to come. The Spirit of God is always coming, always inviting us to participate in the coming of Christ.  That invitation to usher in the anointing of God is good news, yet at the same time confusing and disturbing, leaving us with questions about what is top of mind.  For Mary, it was (naturally) all about her pregnancy given that she was not yet married to her fiancée, Joseph.  What newness would you love to see take place in our world, your world?  Can you name one, or two, or fifty-two things?  What’s at the top of the list?  If Christ should come as you wish, what will that mean for you?  What will be asked of you?  What might feel confusing or disturbing?

I believe Emmanuel always wants to come.  I think Emmanuel – God with us – comes more frequently than we think, and that we are more likely to experience such a presence of God when we are aware of its possibility and are open to being a conscious, willing partner in it.

What does O Come, O Come, Emmanuel mean to you this year, all of you Marys?  Will you say yes to being pregnant with the Christ-child, nurturing yourself and the incarnation along to ensure a healthy gestation and delivery?

Go Be Jesus: Here we Go!

Note: You can watch this teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

I sinned. One way of defining sin is “the culpable disturbance of shalom.”  I was deserving of blame – my part, anyway – of not honoring, seeking, cultivating, fostering, thinking, being, acting, feeling, extending, perpetuating, or spreading deep peace, wellbeing, wholeness, or restoration.  I sinned.

            My sin had to do with my attitude and behavior (as it always does).  My sinful behavior was related to my speech.  No, I wasn’t dropping F-bombs and using the Lord’s name in vain as often as possible.  My sin had to do with the carelessness and crassness of my language toward people that were no like me.  Not my race.  Not my gender. Not my cultural background. Not my sexual orientation.  Slang words were used to speak of others who fell into those categories.  Most who knew me back then, by the way, would not likely remember me as standing out for my slurs.  In fact, most would probably think I was generally polite.  Yet I remember the destructive words and phrases which disintegrated shalom and its potential. What does this mean?  It means I was normal, and normal was sinful, responsible for disturbing shalom. 

            Frederick William Faber, a hymn writer and theologian (he wrote the familiar hymn, Faith of our Fathers) offered this insight on kindness: “A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves.” This reminds me of the early Jewish story of the twin brothers Esau and Jacob.  They competed before they left the womb.  Their dad, Isaac, played favorites.  Their mom, Rebekah, did too.  There was a major grievance between the two that led to their relationship’s dissolution for decades.  When they both matured after many years of life’s crucible, they chose shalom.

            The Apostle Paul, who wrote two thirds of the New Testament “books” was no stranger to being offended or being an offender.  He had something to say while he sat under house arrest in Rome awaiting his eventual death.  His words are instruction and invitation: 


God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love—like Christ in everything. We take our lead from Christ, who is the source of everything we do. He keeps us in step with each other. His very breath and blood flow through us, nourishing us so that we will grow up healthy in God, robust in love.

And so I insist—and God backs me up on this—that there be no going along with the crowd, the empty-headed, mindless crowd. They've refused for so long to deal with God that they've lost touch not only with God but with reality itself. They can't think straight anymore. Feeling no pain, they let themselves go in sexual obsession, addicted to every sort of perversion.

But that's no life for you. You learned Christ! My assumption is that you have paid careful attention to him, been well instructed in the truth precisely as we have it in Jesus. Since, then, we do not have the excuse of ignorance, everything—and I do mean everything—connected with that old way of life has to go. It's rotten through and through. Get rid of it! And then take on an entirely new way of life—a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces his character in you.

What this adds up to, then, is this: no more lies, no more pretense. Tell your neighbor the truth. In Christ's body we're all connected to each other, after all. When you lie to others, you end up lying to yourself.

Go ahead and be angry. You do well to be angry—but don't use your anger as fuel for revenge. And don't stay angry. Don't go to bed angry. Don't give the Devil that kind of foothold in your life.

Did you used to make ends meet by stealing? Well, no more! Get an honest job so that you can help others who can't work.

Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift.

Don't grieve God. Don't break his heart. His Holy Spirit, moving and breathing in you, is the most intimate part of your life, making you fit for himself. Don't take such a gift for granted.

Make a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk. Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you.

Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn't love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that. – Ephesians 4:15-5:2 (MSG)


He wrote a letter to another nearby community at the same time where he wrote similar words:

So if you're serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that's where the action is. See things from his perspective.

Your old life is dead. Your new life, which is your real life—even though invisible to spectators—is with Christ in God. He is your life. When Christ (your real life, remember) shows up again on this earth, you'll show up, too—the real you, the glorious you. Meanwhile, be content with obscurity, like Christ.

And that means killing off everything connected with that way of death: sexual promiscuity, impurity, lust, doing whatever you feel like whenever you feel like it, and grabbing whatever attracts your fancy. That's a life shaped by things and feelings instead of by God. It's because of this kind of thing that God is about to explode in anger. It wasn't long ago that you were doing all that stuff and not knowing any better. But you know better now, so make sure it's all gone for good: bad temper, irritability, meanness, profanity, dirty talk.

Don't lie to one another. You're done with that old life. It's like a filthy set of ill-fitting clothes you've stripped off and put in the fire. Now you're dressed in a new wardrobe. Every item of your new way of life is custom-made by the Creator, with his label on it. All the old fashions are now obsolete. Words like Jewish and non-Jewish, religious and irreligious, insider and outsider, uncivilized and uncouth, slave and free, mean nothing. From now on everyone is defined by Christ, everyone is included in Christ.

So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.

Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way...

Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out. – Colossians 3:1-17, 4:6 (MSG)


The above is worthy of our time.  Perhaps we can start our day with these for a week and see what a difference it makes in helping us not sin but bring more shalom into our lives and world.

            Nearly two years ago I was invited to be a part of an initiative from First Five Napa County, an organization that seeks to protect and improve the lives of our youngest community members, knowing the first five years of our lives predict a lot about how our remaining years might unfold.  We learned a lot about ourselves, our community, our capacity, and about how we might bring about more shalom for more people in Napa County.  The second cohort recently completed their training, and I was made aware from a couple of their members of a project that we can all be part of if we choose. The project is called “Napa Strong Enough”.  The gist is that we promote shalom for all people in Napa with a yard sign, and that we pledge to shape our lives and speech accordingly. As you can easily see, focus is given to those in our community who are often easily targeted as “others” with language and behavior that restricts them from experiencing the shalom we are called to foster. 

Simply putting a yard sign in front of our homes and businesses is a really important action, but so is pledging to live into its goal.

             I invite you to consider this invitation not simply from First 5 Napa Network, but from the heart of God.  This is who We are.  We choose this because we believe everyone is made in the image of God – there are no “others” – there is only “us”.  We choose to take this pledge because it is completely in line with being more rooted in shalom, promoting shalom, extending shalom for ourselves and the whole world.  We do this because it is, I believe, in line with “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”  Will you post a sign?  Will you take the pledge? CrossWalk has a limited supply of them for $10 each.  You can make a donation online and swing by and pick one up or email us and we’ll deliver a sign to you.

            May you choose to recognize your sin and choose to stop.  May you recognize ways to do the opposite of getting in the way of the Kingdom of God.  May you choose to join God in creating a world where shalom becomes more and more the source of life and the standard with which we measure our attitude, behavior, and policy.  May it be so.

Go Be Jesus: Why?

Note: You can watch this teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

This Go Be Jesus series was meant to give us a clearer picture of who Jesus was in order that we would have a better idea of what it means to be his followers and proclaimers, his disciples as well as his apostles.  Let’s review, shall we?

Every serious Jesus scholar is clear about Jesus’ purpose in his life: to proclaim what the Kingdom of God is like and usher it into the world as much as possible.  The Kingdom of God was and is different than the kingdoms of our world and the way humanity tends to think.  The Kingdom of God reflects its King.  Of course, we’re using metaphor here – we need to move beyond anthropomorphic visualizations of God.  The God Jesus referred to was and is full of grace, truth, mercy, and calls for justice for those who do not have it.  This God is one who seeks to restore everything to the very good it was made to be. The goal of this God is shalom.  The ethos of God is shalom – the ends and means are the same.  Jesus deep peace and harmony in his life and ministry – it is the Way that leads to the restoration, revitalization, and resurrection that we all long for.  Shalom was his mission, and it was not always “warm hugs and chocolate chip cookies”.  In his temptation camping trip, Jesus made it clear he was not going to be driven by the ways of the world, but by the shalom of God.

When Jesus invited people to become his disciples, it was not a casual offer.  Those who received the invitation knew that it was a great honor that implied confidence in the invited one on the part of the inviter.  If Jesus asks someone to follow in his footsteps, it meant that he believed the person could learn how to walk in the same way he did.  The word Christian literally means “little Christ.”  To be a Christian is to be like Jesus, to live like Jesus.  To learn to live in Jesus’ Way.  The Mandalorians may think they have coined the phrase, “this is the Way”, but the earliest Jesus followers owned the copyright.  The original community of Christians were first called, simply, the people of The Way. Have you said yes to the invitation from the Spirit of God to follow the Way of Jesus?  The Way that leads to shalom for you and all others?

Disciples are learners.  Jesus’ first disciples had a lot of learning to do which required a lot of unlearning as well.  They had been enculturated by their environment and a particular, unchecked rendition of Judaism that they simply took on faith as accurate.  Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount – his campaign speech which he undoubtedly reiterated many times – was filled with one mind-blower after another about the way God works in the world and how we are to bring change.  He begins by affirming the inherent value of all people, especially noting those who have been told otherwise.  Non-violent resistance is clearly taught.  New ethics are iterated that are in contrast to his cultural context.  It didn’t always sit well.  I have a hunch that it still doesn’t sit well.  Are you aware that the Jewish tradition understood that they were to mandate provisions for the poor among them?  That they were to live in a system where debt was canceled every seven years?  Where immigrants were to be treated with great hospitality and humanity?  Where greed was not tolerated, especially when it hurt the poor (as it always does)?  Did you know that the Jewish nation was not to place too much trust in their military strength?  I wonder how this really lands with many in the United States?  I’ve heard it said that when Jesus speaks about taking care of the poor, it is called Christianity, but when politicians speak of it, it is called socialism.  Hmmm.

Deep reflection on the meaning of shalom and how to live it out translated into a life that was incredibly meaningful and impactful for Jesus and all who have ever followed.  It resulted in a life of service to others.  It meant coming alongside people who have been treated harshly and unjustly, speaking and being grace to and for them.  It also meant using their voice to call out the absence of shalom in the system.  There were actors in the world who were blockades to shalom for others.  Calling them out took great courage because it often carried with it the high price of their retribution.  The Way led them regularly to solitude, stillness, and silence where they could focus more clearly on the voice of God away from the noise of the world around them.  The Way also took them to a deeper understanding of love well beyond the transactional rendering so prevalent in humanity.  Deep love allowed for the love of even one’s enemies – not in a pushover, doormat way, but an ability to espouse love and respect not based on the worthiness of the recipient but on the nature of God and who we are as those created in God’s image.

The result of living in the Way of Jesus is an abundant life.  Inherent in the Way is the calling to be not just a disciple but also an apostle – not simply students but also teachers.  When we live out our role as both disciples and apostles, we change for the better, and the world does, too.  For your own sake, say yes to the invitation of Jesus.  For the sake of the world, say yes to living in the Way of Christ.

Go Be Jesus: Community

Note: You can watch this teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

What have been among your favorite TV shows over the years?

MASH was a favorite from my childhood, even if I didn’t fully understand all that was going on.  In the 1980’s, there was Cheers.  In the 90’s, Seinfeld and Friends were high on our list.  Most recently, Superstore and Brooklyn 99 have made us giggle, and Anne with an E choked us up.  Just this past week we finished watching the last of Schitt’s Creek, which is not only really fun for a pastor to say but was an incredibly well-written show.

Why do we get drawn to some shows?  Why do they stick? What is it about them that resonates with us?

One of the things that makes stuff stick with me is the characters and relationship between them.   Plot lines matter, of course, but in the end,  they are not primary.  Gilligan’s Island had ridiculous plot lines, yet it still got huge viewership.  Seinfeld is a show about nothing.  Schitt’s Creek’s stories were not really what we cared about – it was the interplay of characters that we loved.  The shows represent life, even if caricaturized. The cast becomes part of us somehow, a sense of community develops, so much so that when the show is over, we feel loss.

We do not thrive alone.  We might survive, but that is hardly the same thing.  Human interaction, relationship, community – these are necessary building blocks of being a healthy human being.  We sometimes know the power of supportive relationships when we are in them, and we are certainly aware of our lack when we don’t.

Jesus – the guy we look to as our model for what a shalom life is supposed to look like – never espoused isolation as a way of life.  Yes, he was remembered for taking time for solitude, but that was because the rest of the time he surrounded himself with his disciples, his extended followers, and the people her served. Recall that Jesus’ primary goal in his life and ministry was to increase the Kingdom of God on earth, which is experienced as shalom as a means and end.  Shalom was Jesus’ primary ethos when it came to community as well.

Loving your neighbor as yourself was second only to loving God (and intricately related to each other).  What does that look like?

First, we need to appreciate the make-up of the disciples. While they were all Jews, they were not all the same:

During that time, Jesus went out to the mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night long. At daybreak, he called together his disciples. He chose twelve of them whom he called apostles: Simon, whom he named Peter; his brother Andrew; James; John; Philip; Bartholomew; Matthew; Thomas; James the son of Alphaeus; Simon, who was called a zealot; Judas the son of James; and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor. (Luke 6:12-16 NRSV)

            We know from other stories that this group of men were fisherman and day-laborers like Jesus, that at times there were ego wars and power plays.  We also know that Simon was called a Zealot, which was a significant segment of Jews that wanted to aggressively overthrow the Roman occupation.  And then, of course, there is Judas, a name that has never made any baby top 100 lists since Jesus’ time.  This is noteworthy because Jesus chose to hang out with these guys – they were his people.  Rough around the edges.  Not particularly scholarly.  Probably salty at times.  They likely drank cheap beer on a regular basis. These were real, everyday people that Jesus chose to partner with to change the world.  It was messy and awkward and beautiful.  In the book of Acts, the pool of leadership broadened even more.

            When Jesus instructed his followers to love their neighbor, I’d like to point out two things.  First, there was no asterisk at the end of the “law”.  It wasn’t, love your neighbor unless they make you mad, or disappoint, or offend, or vote for Trump, or vote for Biden, or hurt your feelings, or say it wrong, or root for the Dodgers.  There weren’t any qualifiers on the command, and Jesus live it out.  He stuck with the disciples through thick and thin, including Judas, right up until he left to sell Jesus out.

            The second thing I want to note is that the “love” referenced isn’t Hallmark Channel love.  It is much more than that.  Deep love’s goal is shalom.  Deep love’s methodology is also shalom.  Sometimes love requires holding people to account.  Sometimes deep love comes across as necessary tough love on the recipient.  Sometimes deep love means swallowing pride, issuing forgiveness and grace that is unmerited (which is actually grace’s definition).  Pretty much everything we read in 1 Corinthians 13 is a picture of deep love.  Deep love is not about the recipient, it is about the one offering the love.  We love because we have been loved.  We love others like we have been loved by God.

            Community provides support for the vicissitudes of life. Community makes joys more joyful and suffering more bearable.  We really need each other.  COVID-19 has made that much more difficult than before.  Some have given up on it until limitations are lifted.  Please don’t do that.  You need relational support.  You need to give relational support. Something is better than nothing.  Nothing provides nothing.  Make the call.  Join the Zoom.  Do whatever it takes, just don’t try to go through life alone.


Questions to ponder...

1.     When have you experienced true, deeply loving community?  What was the context?  What made it so special?

2.     When have you experienced a breakdown of community? What happened?  Was there anything that could have happened to keep the breakdown from happening?

3.     When have you been a part of redeeming community – when something ugly was faced and the community prevailed?

4.     How do you define the difference between deep love – the way of shalom and the Kingdom of God – and a lesser form of love?

Go Be Jesus: Connecting with God

Note: You can watch this teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

“I’m spiritual, not religious.” Have you ever heard someone utter this phrase or something similar?  They love spirituality. Religion?  Not so much. I think there were surely times when Jesus witnessed the abuse of religious leaders that he may have uttered, or grumbled, how frustrated he was with religion.


I’ve heard it said that we are not human beings trying to have a spiritual experience as much as we are spiritual beings having a human experience.  I think Jesus was deeply aware of our spiritual nature and our human nature, and that they are meant to exist in tandem, that both are called by shalom toward shalom, invited to practice shalom.

Liminal Space. Kirsten Oates was on a plane to Manilla to support her sister who had just given birth to a very premature little girl who was now fighting for her life.  Halfway through the 15-hour flight, one of the plane’s engines began to fail.  The plane shook violently. Glassware in the galley was crashing down.  People had to hold onto their arm rests to keep from flying out of their seats even though they had their seatbelts fastened.  Kirsten could sense that her body was heading toward passing out – hearing loss, vision beginning to fade.  She employed a meditation technique to calm herself down because, she noted, she didn’t want to die unconscious.  While the plane continued to thrash about, she maintained her technique and was transported to an experience of “Liminal Space” where the Spirit of God brushes against physical existence.  In that space she found deep peace and a sense that no matter what, should she live or die, either path would be okay.

The Why of spiritual practice: tying into the Source of everything.  There is a universal desire, I think, for an inner peace, or, as the Apostle Paul stated in his letter to the Philippians, a peace that passes understanding.  The kind of peace that Paul refers to – and Jesus modeled – is nor some form of escapism for the purpose of simply escaping reality.  While I am certain we human beings have myriad forms of escaping – various substances you drink or smoke or shoot, rigorous exercise, sex, porn, Netflix, maybe some combination of all the above – I am confident that Jesus practices something different that actually resulted in the opposite of escapism. Jesus was remembered as being devoted to practices that fostered a deep, abiding relationship with God that actually thrust him more deeply into life – not retreat from reality.

In one remembered discourse, Jesus spoke of the importance of staying connected to God:


     "Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can't bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can't bear fruit unless you are joined with me.

     "I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you're joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. –  Jesus, John 15:4-5 (The Message)


This is not shallow escapism for a moment – Jesus is saying that staying connected to God serves to produce a mature, whole, abundant life!  Who wouldn’t want that?

Spiritual practices that foster this ability to live in such liminal space allow us to be more readily present to the Presence of God.  When we choose to live in the footsteps of Jesus, which is a way of life that stays connected to the Spirit of God, we are much more likely to be in the flow of God, to be in touch with God, to be able to see and hear and respond to God.  The more accustomed we become to the way of the world around us that does not often foster such an orientation, the harder it is to be in the flow.  When we order our lives in ways that foster our relationship with the Divine, however, things come online.  We no longer wonder if God exists like a fish pondering the existence of water, because we wake up and realize that we are swimming and living in the presence of God – we are immersed in it – we are in it and it is in us.  This is a key part of what Jesus meant when he referred to the idea of being born again – so much more than simply signing off on a theological construct!

One day CrossWalker Pam Reuter was driving around running errands when a song came over the radio.  She had never heard it before.  Something about it struck her so much that when she was able, she contacted the radio station to help her figure out the name of the song.  After digging around awhile, the radio station identified the song: “You Know Me Better” by the band Stars Go Dim.  She couldn’t figure out why the song struck her so. It just did.  Months later she got a call with some very bad news – a house she owned and was renting out was on fire!  She rushed to the scene as the firefighters were doing their best to put it out before the house was completely destroyed.  Luckily, nobody was hurt, but it was devastating news.  She was naturally exasperated.  When it finally time to leave the scene, she slumped into her car and turned on the ignition.  Immediately, the song, “You Know Me Better” began to play.  She wept.  For her in that moment it came as a loving, comforting message from God: I am with you. I am confident that when we are not tuned in to God such things can be totally lost on us.  When we shape our lives more and more in ways that foster our relationship with God, the more likely we are to recognize the “water” we are swimming in, and Who we are swimming with!

Pam listens to music that supports her faith.  A lot of people are transported by music.  What we listen to helps shift our attention off of lesser things and can ground us.  Sometimes the lyrics of songs can present a new distraction, but sometimes they foster greater attention on our relationship with God.  I love Jeremy Riddle’s “Full Attention” – it helps focus my attention on my relationship with God. The songs don’t have to be Christian or religious, either.  There are some secular songs that speak very deeply into the Way of the Spirit, and some instrumental songs can be effective because they don’t have lyrics that could distract us. 

Jesus was fond of being outside, and no wonder: the creation itself reflects the nature of the Creator!  There is much to gain from simply observing just about any aspect of creation, from the smallest flower or bug or animal to the grandest displays our eyes can hold.  Jesus directed the attention to the flowers in the field and the birds in the air – both held by God beautifully, both teaching us something about life and living in creation, held by the Creator. CrossWalker Karie Nuccio is a nature junkie.  She made a spot for herself where she lives to immerse herself in creation, and it works.  A huge fan of Yosemite, she always pays a visit to where John Muir built his cabin, with a full view of Yosemite Falls.  John Muir, a deeply spiritual man, didn’t hike, he sauntered.  The conservationist who left his footprints throughout the Sierra and Alaskan frontier knew not to rush, but to appreciate what we before him every step of the way.  Take note.  Muir once wrote:

     “Walk away quietly in any direction and taste the freedom of the mountaineer. Camp out among the grasses and gentians of glacial meadows, in craggy garden nooks full of nature’s darlings. Climb the mountains and get their good tidings, Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. As age comes on, one source of enjoyment after another is closed, but nature’s sources never fail. Like a generous host, she offers here brimming cups in endless variety, served in a grand hall, the sky its ceiling, the mountains its walls, decorated with glorious paintings and enlivened with bands of music ever playing. The petty discomforts that beset the awkward guest, the unskilled camper, are quickly forgotten, while all that is precious remains. Fears vanish as soon as one is fairly free in the wilderness.”


Serving others is also a pathway to getting outside of yourself, connecting you with others and God.  CrossWalker Keith Ridenhour came across some stats that says people who help others are happier people.  That makes sense!  Keith uses his gift of music by giving weekly concerts at nearby nursing care facilities. When there, he makes it his aim to spread joy in his interaction.  He’s added phone calling to his repertoire, realizing that when he calls someone to check in, both leave the experience feeling better.

I love learning stuff.  There have been many times that I have experienced God speaking into my life, open new doors, giving me new insights, through books, seminars, and various other education-oriented experiences.  If that’s you, you know what I mean.  

As good as all of the above is, I would be remiss if I did not note what is probably a required practice for those who want to more deeply engage liminal space where we readily experience the Presence of God.  I was first introduced to contemplation when I was a young adult – late teens as I recall.  I read Richard Foster’s classic, Celebration of Discipline, which provided me with an overview of mostly contemplative practices.  It changed my life, and still does.  I have discovered that quiet contemplation takes me to places of intimacy with God deeper and fast than anything else.  In our noisy culture, it takes discipline to learn and practice, but it is not accidental that every religious tradition promotes it, and every spiritual great became so largely due to it.  Practices that include solitude, stillness, and silence are imperative, and understanding what we need in our contemplation is helped as we appreciate our personality type.

I am an Enneagram junkie.  As a Type 3, I try to excel at it!  Different types benefit from pursuing some specific nuances of contemplation.  Those in the feeling center, like myself, really need solitude – being alone – because so much of who we are is tied to responding to what we sense about those around us.  Personality types in the thinking center need to embrace silence, giving their minds a rest on all it continually processes.  Personality types in the body center will find particular power in stillness, unbusying themselves from where their attention has taken them.  For more insight on the Enneagram in general as well as how to incorporate contemplation into your life given your type, I highly recommend The Sacred Enneagram: Finding Your Unique Path to Spiritual Growth by Christopher Heuertz and Mindful Silence: The Heart of Christian Contemplation by Phileena Heuertz.

When we enter into contemplation, you can be sure that you will face the basic temptations Jesus faced when he went into the wilderness.  Distractions of the body, control, ego, and power will reveal themselves.  Their presence doesn’t mean you are failing, it means your being human.  Continue to breath, to center, to focus on becoming united with the Spirit of God.  Thomas Keating, a contemporary champion of all things meditation, suggests a meditation focused around the phrase, “I love you.”  As you inhale, repeat the phrase as if you are hearing God say this to you.  On the exhale, repeat the phrase as if you are saying it to God.  Spending time with the phrase can have remarkable calming, healing, centering, empowering, renewing effect on our lives.  Don’t take my word for it – try it out!

I regularly use the Lord’s Prayer as a model for meditation.  Going through each section shapes me, ground me.  I come out of the meditative approach to the Lord’s Prayer feeling back on track with God, no longer feeling whatever distance I may have felt previously.  Try it out!  Instead of rushing through it, spend time on each movement:


Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory forever! Amen.


Jesus said that by remaining connected to the vine we will bear much fruit.  It’s not why we’re staying connected – it is, rather, a biproduct of being united with God.  CrossWalker Linda Murphy has learned the discipline of meditation and has experienced the grounding it brings.  From such experience, she has also born fruit in the form of her poetry:


Come Away


When all I see is suffering,

The bleeding and the war cries;

When all I hear is trumpeting hate speech,

Poisonous to my soul;

When all I feel is a pain-racked body,

Bleeding my brain of cognition;


I turn to an inner voice that says:


“Come away with me,

Into my heart

Into the safety of my realm;

Come away from your tear-stained windowpane,

Into the sunlit fields of childhood;


Come away and let me hold you,

Till your body dissolves into Oneness,

Where the truth of who you are

Does not struggle;

Where fear releases on

The rhythms of your breath;

Where, beneath everything,

Is this forgotten foundation of joy.”

 – Linda Kay Murphy, 2020



Go Be Jesus: Grace and Justice, Part 3

Note: You can watch this teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

The core of this teaching is from Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Haggray, Executive Director of the American Baptist Home Mission Society. So good. Then Pete offers some process work at the end with the following questions:

  1. The blind man knew what he hoped Jesus could transform - sight. What would you like to see transformed inyour life?

  2. Jesus involved the blind man in the transformation process, instructing him to wash in the pool of Siloam. What might Jesus be instructing you to do to collaborate toward transformation? How might you find out?  Who could you ask for help?

  3. Some in the blind man’s community were not supportive of his transformation – systems don’t often like change.  Have you ever been transformed only to have your “system” challenge it?

  4. How can we be encouragers of transformation in our systems?

Go Be Jesus: Grace and Justice, Part 2

Note: You can watch this teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

Bart only knew what it was to be blind (John 9).  He couldn’t see from birth.  Everybody in the community speculated why God would give his parents such a child.  Most agreed it was a curse from God for some infraction on their part or a generation before.  There were not a lot of options for Bart in that day and age.  He likely learned to cope with the senses he had left, but his only hope of subsistence was begging.  The deck was literally stacked against him – he was limited by something he did not choose and did not want. His state was largely out of his control.

Bart could tell you the day that all changed, when Jesus came upon him and heard his story.  Bart wanted a better life, apparently, but he never caught a break.  Jesus asked him what he wanted (an interesting question – he didn’t assume to know the answer).  Bart said he wanted to see, which would lead to a whole lot of change-for-the-better in his life.  Jesus treated him with a method they both understood and left him with instructions to go wash his eyes.  When he did, he could see. The healing was a gift of empowerment to begin living a new life.

Have you ever felt like you were dealt a bad hand from day one?  Like your very potential was cursed from the beginning?  Maybe you’ve even cursed God for it, knowing you didn’t do anything to deserve your fate.  The Good News of Jesus is that the curse was never from God, and that God is with you even if others have told you otherwise your entire life.  Do you know what you want, really? It’s a real question.  When what you want is directly related to your True Self – who you were created to be in all of your made-in-God’s-image-glory – expect some things to shift.  God is with and for your True Self because it’s aligned with shalom.  You can let go of whatever guilt and shame you’ve carried.  You may have even sinned a time or two for good reasons.  Be free to live – this is God’s Good News of grace to you in Jesus.

Justice.  The ones who were questioning “Bart” were the leaders of Judaism.  They were quite unsettled by what Jesus did on multiple levels – all of them disturbing.  First, a man born blind – a curse from God – was uncursed.  Who has the authority to do such a thing except God?  What does that say about Jesus?  Second, the means Jesus used to head – the mud-dough – required a direct violation of Sabbath law.  How is it that a blatant sinner could be used so powerfully by God?  Third, the miracle did not include the religious leaders in any way, or their sacred space.  What are the implications of all of this?  What if word got out about this?  How would that impact their authority? Bad news for them was Good News for all people, who realized that God was with them as they were, where they were, with shalom.  This gave access to God to everybody, which is a justice issue.

Dan could tell you his story, when the first sign of a very long death sentence appeared on his hand (Matthew 8).  It wasn’t something he wanted – who would want leprosy?  He could only ignore and hide it for so long.  Once it was known, his life was forever changed.  Only distanced contact with family and friends while at the same time being thrust into a new community of fellow sufferers. Isolated until the skin disease subsided, his life was over.  Especially if it really was leprosy, which didn’t show up in the ANE until about 100 years before Jesus was born.  While leprosy itself wasn’t a sin and didn’t mean you were a sinner, contracting it was often associated with God’s will, and likely insinuated that you had done something to warrant such a sentence.  Once contracted, mishandling the disease was considered sinful.

            Dan could tell you the day he sinned that led to his healing.  He approached Jesus and fell to his knees before him, begging for healing.  Hmmm.  What do we have here?  Someone who had been publicly shamed and forever quarantined – God-damned – came out of the colony and dishonored social distancing – a clear infraction.  A God-damned sinner.  Literally. Instead of rebuking him, Jesus empathized with him, welcomed the intimate exchange, and granted the request.  Dan was healed.  The sin was forgiven and the damnation absolved.

            Have you ever felt like Dan?  Like you’ve acquired a condition that has separated you from others in devastating ways? Maybe those who have pushed you out have even thrown down the God card, making you feel as God-damned as Dan.  Hard to have hope in that situation.  Maybe your skin is clear, but you feel tainted in others’ eyes.  The Good News declared by Jesus is that you are not God-damned but God-loved.  You are welcome in the presence of God because God’s presence is loving and welcoming.  There is healing for you here.

            Justice. The leper broke the law and his reward was healing.  Jewish leaders would be deeply disturbed by the theological implications of such an event – what would this mean for others who they instructed needed to “get right with God” before God could heal?  What did it mean that the healing did not in any way include the official, so-called “God-ordained” religious leadership who learned about the healing publicly, after the fact?  How embarrassed they must have been!  Once again, people connected the dots: God is with people as they are, where they are, with shalom. Equal access to God was a justice issue and everybody paying attention knew it.

            Grace never imagined her life would become so awful (John 8).  Things went from bad to worse as her poverty forced her into prostitution.  She had mouths to feed and no recognizable alternatives.  What she had hoped would be a one-time-emergency maneuver became her work and her reputation.  She would never be more than a town whore.  

She was unaware that she had been set up to create a trap for Jesus.  She just thought it was another trick.  But that afternoon she was caught in the act.  Somehow her “John” slipped away and she was left alone with a bunch of religious leaders who treated her with great indignity, not even allowing her to put clothes on.  Instead, they dragged her to where Jesus was teaching and threw her in front of the crowd, an object lesson and test for the provocative teacher.  “The Law says we should stone a woman caught in the act of adultery, what do you say?”  It was a chess game.

A lot of weird things happened that became a blur.  Jesus said whoever was sinless should throw the first stone (usually it was the accuser/plaintiff), and then doodled in the dirt.  Everybody left the scene with no stones thrown.  Left alone with him, she heard him ask where the accusers were.  She noted that everyone left without condemning her.  He then said, “Neither do I condemn you.  Go and leave your life of sin,” which is a way of saying, “Go now and live.”

Have you ever felt like the path you chose had led you to a serious rut in your life, like you are trapped by past bad decisions?  People are sometimes really awful about such things, never letting you forget who you are or what you did and treating you accordingly.  The Good News of Jesus is that your past doesn’t have to dictate your future. Shalom means there is hope for a new beginning, a fresh start – you don’t have to return to living apart from life.  You can live directly from the source.  Accept the grace and move forward.

Justice.  Such an awful scene here.  Jesus was surely frustrated and angry as he watched the religious leadership who were supposed to be agents of loving and healing people instead use their power to create more harm for someone already beaten down.  They had no pity, no compassion, and certainly no empathy. They used her just like every “John” she ever met.  Only worse, since they wore their religious garb as they did.  Such adherence to the law with no regard to grace or the people involved – this was an awful, disrespectful thing to do to Jesus, too – misrepresented God plain and simple. Their violence was what caused Rome to strip them of the right to execute those they condemned – the leaders of faith!  This also represented a kind of spiritual abuse as it promoted a singular way of reading scripture and demanded adherence or expect condemnation.  Jesus’ response was brilliant, showcasing his knowledge of the Law and the savvy to deal with such abusers.  The woman was treated incredibly unjustly, and Jesus saved her from it.  Imagine what those who were there took away?  No doubt, the religious leaders were deeply threatened – they just got humiliated at their own game. And, once again, everybody learned that God loves people as they are, where they are.

Zach was a dirtbag, a cheater of his own people (Luke 19).  He was a tax collector in Jesus’ day, on contract with the Roman Empire to deliver the required assessments from his own people.  He was seen as a traitor.  He was hated for it.  He was also loathed because everybody knew he could get away with robbing his own for his personal profit.  He had climbed his way up the ladder and was filthy rich.

One day he heard that Jesus was coming into town, and he wanted to see him for himself.  Being short, he climbed a tree – he was a climber, after all!  What would Jesus say?  How would he be treated? Jesus saw him and called him out of the tree.  He invited himself over for dinner at Zach’s home, a statement that let Zach know that forgiveness had arrived that day, and there was plenty for Zach.  

Sometimes we turn on those we are supposed to love.  Motivated by selfish interest, we abandon others for personal gain. Relationships are broken or severed.  A lot of pain is created in the process.  We self-medicate with the spoils of our decision, yet it leaves us empty.  It feels like there is no way back.  The Good News of Jesus, however, is that the reset button is always available.  God is one who is always supportive of helping people get things back on track, of living into the True Self they were created to be.  The way forward may be challenging, but the bright side is, there is a way forward!  We are not simply the product of our poor past decisions.

Justice.  The injustice in this story was carried out by a Jewish traitor (of sorts) against his victims.  By inviting himself over to dinner, Jesus was communicating to Zach that he was loved by God as he was, where he was.  The response to such grace served to correct the injustices Zach had carried out so many times, in accordance with Jewish Law. What else was modeled here?  Restorative justice, instead of retributive justice.  The latter is the popular method used the world over, and, unfortunately, by religion itself. It demands retribution, punishment.  Such a system feels like justice gets served.  But not much healing comes of it.  Restorative justice, however, seeks to restore, to heal, and in this case, it apparently did.  What a different approach.  The take-home lesson would include the point that there can be justice – people paid for the wrongs they suffered – and the wrongdoer can also be made right.

If this is what Jesus was engaged in, what should the implication be for those who strive to follow in his footsteps? What reaction might we expect from those who benefit from systems of injustice?


Stuff to meditate on from Richard Rohr... 


Some simple but urgent guidance to get us through these next months.

I awoke on Saturday, September 19, with three sources in my mind for guidance: Etty Hillesum (1914 – 1943), the young Jewish woman who suffered much more injustice in the concentration camp than we are suffering now; Psalm 62, which must have been written in a time of a major oppression of the Jewish people; and the Irish Poet, W.B.Yeats (1965 – 1939), who wrote his “Second Coming” during the horrors of the World War I and the Spanish Flu pandemic. 

These three sources form the core of my invitation. Read each one slowly as your first practice. Let us begin with Etty:

There is a really deep well inside me. And in it dwells God. Sometimes I am there, too … And that is all we can manage these days and also all that really matters: that we safeguard that little piece of You, God, in ourselves.

—Etty Hillesum, Westerbork transit camp

Note her second-person usage, talking to “You, God” quite directly and personally. There is a Presence with her, even as she is surrounded by so much suffering.

Then, the perennial classic wisdom of the Psalms:

In God alone is my soul at rest.
God is the source of my hope.
In God I find shelter, my rock, and my safety.
Men are but a puff of wind,
Men who think themselves important are a delusion.
Put them on a scale,
They are gone in a puff of wind.

—Psalm 62:5–9

What could it mean to find rest like this in a world such as ours? Every day more and more people are facing the catastrophe of extreme weather. The neurotic news cycle is increasingly driven by... narcissistic leader[s] whose words and deeds incite hatred, sow discord, and amplify the daily chaos. The pandemic that seems to be returning in waves continues to wreak suffering and disorder with no end in sight, and there is no guarantee of the future in an economy designed to protect the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor and those subsisting at the margins of society. 

It’s no wonder the mental and emotional health among a large portion of the American population is in tangible decline! We have wholesale abandoned any sense of truth, objectivity, science or religion in civil conversation; we now recognize we are living with the catastrophic results of several centuries of what philosophers call nihilism or post-modernism (nothing means anything, there are no universal patterns).

We are without doubt in an apocalyptic time (the Latin word apocalypsis refers to an urgent unveiling of an ultimate state of affairs). Yeats’ oft-quoted poem “The Second Coming” then feels like a direct prophecy. See if you do not agree:

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Somehow our occupation and vocation as believers in this sad time must be to first restore the Divine Center by holding it and fully occupying it ourselves. If contemplation means anything, it means that we can “safeguard that little piece of You, God,” as Etty Hillesum describes it. What other power do we have now? All else is tearing us apart, inside and out, no matter who wins the election or who is on the Supreme Court. We cannot abide in such a place for any length of time or it will become our prison.

God cannot abide with us in a place of fear.
God cannot abide with us in a place of ill will or hatred.
God cannot abide with us inside a nonstop volley of claim and counterclaim.
God cannot abide with us in an endless flow of online punditry and analysis.
God cannot speak inside of so much angry noise and conscious deceit.
God cannot be found when all sides are so far from “the Falconer.”
God cannot be born except in a womb of Love.
So offer God that womb.

Stand as a sentry at the door of your senses for these coming months, so “the blood-dimmed tide” cannot make its way into your soul.

If you allow it for too long, it will become who you are, and you will no longer have natural access to the “really deep well” that Etty Hillesum returned to so often and that held so much vitality and freedom for her.

If you will allow, I recommend for your spiritual practice for the next four months that you impose a moratorium on exactly how much news you are subject to—hopefully not more than an hour a day of television, social media, internet news, magazine and newspaper commentary, and/or political discussions. It will only tear you apart and pull you into the dualistic world of opinion and counter-opinion, not Divine Truth, which is always found in a bigger place.

Instead, I suggest that you use this time for some form of public service, volunteerism, mystical reading from the masters, prayer—or, preferably, all of the above.

        You have much to gain now and nothing to lose. Nothing at all. 
        And the world—with you as a stable center—has nothing to lose.
        And everything to gain. 

Go Be Jesus: Grace and Justice, Part 1

Note: You can watch this teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

Bart only knew what it was to be blind (John 9).  He couldn’t see from birth.  Everybody in the community speculated why God would give his parents such a child.  Most agreed it was a curse from God for some infraction on their part or a generation before.  There were not a lot of options for Bart in that day and age.  He likely learned to cope with the senses he had left, but his only hope of subsistence was begging.  The deck was literally stacked against him – he was limited by something he did not choose and did not want. His state was largely out of his control.

Bart could tell you the day that all changed, when Jesus came upon him and heard his story.  Bart wanted a better life, apparently, but he never caught a break.  Jesus asked him what he wanted (an interesting question – he didn’t assume to know the answer).  Bart said he wanted to see, which would lead to a whole lot of change-for-the-better in his life.  Jesus treated him with a method they both understood and left him with instructions to go wash his eyes.  When he did, he could see. The healing was a gift of empowerment to begin living a new life.

Have you ever felt like you were dealt a bad hand from day one?  Like your very potential was cursed from the beginning?  Maybe you’ve even cursed God for it, knowing you didn’t do anything to deserve your fate.  The Good News of Jesus is that the curse was never from God, and that God is with you even if others have told you otherwise your entire life.  Do you know what you want, really? It’s a real question.  When what you want is directly related to your True Self – who you were created to be in all of your made-in-God’s-image-glory – expect some things to shift.  God is with and for your True Self because it’s aligned with shalom.  You can let go of whatever guilt and shame you’ve carried.  You may have even sinned a time or two for good reasons.  Be free to live – this is God’s Good News of grace to you in Jesus.

Dan could tell you his story, when the first sign of a very long death sentence appeared on his hand (Matthew 8).  It wasn’t something he wanted – who would want leprosy?  He could only ignore and hide it for so long.  Once it was known, his life was forever changed.  Only distanced contact with family and friends while at the same time being thrust into a new community of fellow sufferers. Isolated until the skin disease subsided, his life was over.  Especially if it really was leprosy, which didn’t show up in the ANE until about 100 years before Jesus was born.  While leprosy itself wasn’t a sin and didn’t mean you were a sinner, contracting it was often associated with God’s will, and likely insinuated that you had done something to warrant such a sentence.  Once contracted, mishandling the disease was considered sinful.

            Dan could tell you the day he sinned that led to his healing.  He approached Jesus and fell to his knees before him, begging for healing.  Hmmm.  What do we have here?  Someone who had been publicly shamed and forever quarantined – God-damned – came out of the colony and dishonored social distancing – a clear infraction.  A God-damned sinner.  Literally. Instead of rebuking him, Jesus empathized with him, welcomed the intimate exchange, and granted the request.  Dan was healed.  The sin was forgiven and the damnation absolved.

            Have you ever felt like Dan?  Like you’ve acquired a condition that has separated you from others in devastating ways? Maybe those who have pushed you out have even thrown down the God card, making you feel as God-damned as Dan.  Hard to have hope in that situation.  Maybe your skin is clear, but you feel tainted in others’ eyes.  The Good News declared by Jesus is that you are not God-damned but God-loved.  You are welcome in the presence of God because God’s presence is loving and welcoming.  There is healing for you here.

            Grace never imagined her life would become so awful (John 8).  Things went from bad to worse as her poverty forced her into prostitution.  She had mouths to feed and no recognizable alternatives.  What she had hoped would be a one-time-emergency maneuver became her work and her reputation.  She would never be more than a town whore.  

She was unaware that she had been set up to create a trap for Jesus.  She just thought it was another trick.  But that afternoon she was caught in the act.  Somehow her “John” slipped away and she was left alone with a bunch of religious leaders who treated her with great indignity, not even allowing her to put clothes on.  Instead, they dragged her to where Jesus was teaching and threw her in front of the crowd, an object lesson and test for the provocative teacher.  “The Law says we should stone a woman caught in the act of adultery, what do you say?”  It was a chess game.

A lot of weird things happened that became a blur.  Jesus said whoever was sinless should throw the first stone (usually it was the accuser/plaintiff), and then doodled in the dirt.  Everybody left the scene with no stones thrown.  Left alone with him, she heard him ask where the accusers were.  She noted that everyone left without condemning her.  He then said, “Neither do I condemn you.  Go and leave your life of sin,” which is a way of saying, “Go now and live.”

Have you ever felt like the path you chose had led you to a serious rut in your life, like you are trapped by past bad decisions?  People are sometimes really awful about such things, never letting you forget who you are or what you did and treating you accordingly.  The Good News of Jesus is that your past doesn’t have to dictate your future. Shalom means there is hope for a new beginning, a fresh start – you don’t have to return to living apart from life.  You can live directly from the source.  Accept the grace and move forward.

Zach was a dirtbag, a cheater of his own people (Luke 19).  He was a tax collector in Jesus’ day, on contract with the Roman Empire to deliver the required assessments from his own people.  He was seen as a traitor.  He was hated for it.  He was also loathed because everybody knew he could get away with robbing his own for his personal profit.  He had climbed his way up the ladder and was filthy rich.

One day he heard that Jesus was coming into town, and he wanted to see him for himself.  Being short, he climbed a tree – he was a climber, after all!  What would Jesus say?  How would he be treated? Jesus saw him and called him out of the tree.  He invited himself over for dinner at Zach’s home, a statement that let Zach know that forgiveness had arrived that day, and there was plenty for Zach.  

Sometimes we turn on those we are supposed to love.  Motivated by selfish interest, we abandon others for personal gain. Relationships are broken or severed.  A lot of pain is created in the process.  We self-medicate with the spoils of our decision, yet it leaves us empty.  It feels like there is no way back.  The Good News of Jesus, however, is that the reset button is always available.  God is one who is always supportive of helping people get things back on track, of living into the True Self they were created to be.  The way forward may be challenging, but the bright side is, there is a way forward!  We are not simply the product of our poor past decisions.


Upon Thy Altar

Psychotherapist Carl Jung believed wounded healers developed insight and resilience from their experiences which enabled the emergence of transformation to occur. African American philosopher, theologian, educator, and civil rights leader Howard Thurman (1900–1981) was a living example of such insight for this week’s Practice. With tenderness and pastoral concern, he reminds us that one of the most important aspects of healing is the process of offering our wounding to God. We invite you to take several slow, deep breaths to settle your body and calm your mind; then read Thurman’s words slowly and contemplatively, either voiced or within the silence of your heart.


Our Little Lives 

Our little lives, our big problems—these we place upon Thy altar!
The quietness in Thy Temple of Silence again and again rebuffs us:
For some there is no discipline to hold them steady in the waiting
And the minds reject the noiseless invasion of Thy Spirit.
For some there is no will to offer what is central in the thoughts—
The confusion is so manifest, there is no starting place to take hold.
For some the evils of the world tear down all concentrations
And scatter the focus of the high resolves.

War and the threat of war has covered us with heavy shadows,
Making the days big with forebodings—
The nights crowded with frenzied dreams and restless churnings.
We do not know how to do what we know to do.
We do not know how to be what we know to be.

Our little lives, our big problems—these we place upon Thy altar!
Brood over our spirits, Our Father,
Blow upon whatever dream Thou hast for us
That there may glow once again upon our hearths
The light from Thy altar.
Pour out upon us whatever our spirits need of shock, of lift, of release
That we may find strength for these days—
Courage and hope for tomorrow.
In confidence we rest in Thy sustaining grace
Which makes possible triumph in defeat, gain in loss, and love in hate.
We rejoice this day to say:
Our little lives, our big problems—these we place upon Thy altar!

Howard Thurman, Meditations of the Heart (Beacon Press: ©1953, 1981), 83‒84.

Go Be Jesus: Serving Up Shalom

Note: You can watch this teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

As part of the Go Be Jesus series, we’re going to revisit a parable of Jesus that is widely known even among non-religious people.  The good news is that since it is so well known, this shouldn’t take long.


Just then a religion scholar stood up with a question to test Jesus. "Teacher, what do I need to do to get eternal life?"

He answered, "What's written in God's Law? How do you interpret it?"

He said, "That you love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and muscle and intelligence—and that you love your neighbor as well as you do yourself."

"Good answer!" said Jesus. "Do it and you'll live."

Looking for a loophole, he asked, "And just how would you define 'neighbor'?"

Jesus answered by telling a story. "There was once a man traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho. On the way he was attacked by robbers. They took his clothes, beat him up, and went off leaving him half-dead. Luckily, a priest was on his way down the same road, but when he saw him he angled across to the other side. Then a Levite religious man showed up; he also avoided the injured man.

"A Samaritan traveling the road came on him. When he saw the man's condition, his heart went out to him. He gave him first aid, disinfecting and bandaging his wounds. Then he lifted him onto his donkey, led him to an inn, and made him comfortable. In the morning he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, 'Take good care of him. If it costs any more, put it on my bill—I'll pay you on my way back.'

"What do you think? Which of the three became a neighbor to the man attacked by robbers?"

"The one who treated him kindly," the religion scholar responded.

Jesus said, "Go and do the same." – Luke 10:25-37 (MSG) 


Garbage Cans. I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve got this Good Samaritan thing down.  Nearly every week after the garbage truck comes and empties our cans, I not only take my 2-3 cans back to my side yard, I also take my neighbors’ cans.  Just to be kind.  Just like the Good Samaritan.

            I know what you’re thinking.  “Pete may win ‘Pastor of the Year’ award with that level of selflessness.  Maybe even ‘Christian of the Year!”  Well, shucks.  Thanks.  I better sign off and get to work on my acceptance speech.  Have a great week.

Wait!  I forgot about a couple of notes.  Apparently others have done some thinking about the Good Samaritan, including Pope Francis, who talked about the globalization of indifference: “Whenever our interior life becomes caught up in its own interests and concerns, there is no longer room for others, no place for the poor. God’s voice is no longer heard, the quiet joy of his love is no longer felt, and the desire to do good fades” (Pope Francis, quoted in Christ in Crisis, 43).

Donating Food for the Pantry. Good point, Francis!  Gratefully, I’ve got this covered.  Every year when the Super Bowl is played, CrossWalkers show support for their team and our Food Pantry by bringing in canned goods and placing them on a table of the team they hope will win.  Last year, my two favorites teams were playing each other: the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49’ers.  Again, I don’t like to brag, but instead of buying one 12 pack of canned chili and splitting it between the two teams, I bought TWO twelve packs of canned chili, one for each team.  Nailed it.  Two for two!  Back to the speech...

            Okay, hold on.  Sorry, but I missed a couple of things Pope Francis noted: 

“Instead of giving up chocolate or alcohol for Lent, the pope seems to want us to give up our indifference to others. In his apostolic exhortation titled Evangelii Gaudium (which means ‘The Joy of the Gospel’), Francis tells us that as a result of indifference, ‘We end up being incapable of feeling compassion at the outcry of the poor, weeping for other people’s pain, and feeling a need to help them, as though all this were someone else’s responsibility and not our own.’ – Pope Francis, quoted in Christ in Crisis, 18


Broken Bleeding Heart.  Sometimes being a Good Samaritan requires significant time. I could totally cheat on this one because I’m a pastor.  It is my job to at times spend significant time with people during struggle.  But I won’t, because I’m the real deal!  There have been numerous times in my life when friends have simply needed a listening ear, encouragement, maybe even some advice, and I showed up, even though it cut into my personal time and the food I bought us came out of my own pocket.  When people are in that awful space, they need someone to help shoulder them through it. Okeedokee, three for three.  On to my acceptance speech...

            Shoot!  I should really pay more attention to my notes.  N. T. Wright, one of the most prolific biblical scholars in the world, observed the following:

“When Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan, he did so deliberately to shock his audience. Who is my neighbour? asked the lawyer. Jesus turned the question back on him: in this story, who turned out to be neighbour to the man in the ditch? Like so many of Jesus’s brilliant stories, it operates at several levels. At the simplest level, of course, it is a spectacular invitation to a life of self-giving love, love in action, love that’s prepared to roll up its sleeves and help no matter what it takes: yes, precisely the kind of work we associate with the work of this Order. But at the next level down, it’s a story designed to split open the worldview of its hearers and let in a shaft of new and unexpected light. Instead of the closed world of Jesus’s hearers, in which only their own kith and kin were properly to be counted as neighbours, Jesus demands that they recognise that even the hated and feared Samaritan is to be seen as a neighbour.” –  N.T. Wright, quoted in Christ in Crisis, 28

Social Media, Division, and Political Foes. When I think of enemies, my thoughts go to what we are easily witnessing on social media. I am seeing really awful things being posted that are really derogatory toward people with differing views.  We have known for years that the political climate has only become hotter and more divisive, with permission to speak half-truths and insulting language coming from the highest leaders in our country. It’s really disgusting and depressing.  I know of friendships that have ended, and even families broken apart by the tension.  It’s hard to love such “enemies” because we feel great temptation to fight fire with fire, insults combined with not-the-full-story commentary of our own.  How do we love someone that has essentially called us un-American because of our rendition of patriotism?

Sometimes the enemy shows its face along the lines of political issues.  Maybe its Black Lives Matter or immigration of the response to COVID-19.  There are opportunities within each of these three (and every other contentious issue) to be Good Samaritans.  You may have strong feelings about BLM, but should that keep you from using your voice for greater equality and equity?  You may be infuriated by the US immigration policy, but should that, then, limit your generosity toward helping (especially) children who are being detained at the border?  Is your disdain for undocumented immigrants stronger than your devotion to the Way of Jesus who said when we clothe and feed such persons, we are clothing and feeding him?

We have a choice in all of this to add to the problem or build the Kingdom.  Building the Kingdom of God means we treat everyone we speak to with dignity and respect even if they are spewing out words and overtones of hatred toward us.  Sometimes it is literally costly – I lost a job for standing up for equality and equity for the LGBTQ community, I’ve lost church members over gender equality and standing up for peace.  Again, the choice comes down to what we are building, more of the Kingdom of God or more of the kingdoms of this world?  One of those really is founded on the shalom of God, and the means and ends of that kingdom building reflect it.  


Jim Wallis, author of Christ in Crisis, has a few things to add:

Jesus is truly brilliant here. First, the best example of a neighbor is a hated outsider, a Samaritan, who demonstrates in the clearest way what a good neighbor is: someone who crosses boundaries to help someone else in need, risks his own safety and security, takes time out from his routine and certainly the schedule for his day, changes the plan for his whole trip, invests not only his time but also his resources, enlists others in his strategy; and then comes back to check to make sure that the injured man is being taken care of and healed of his wounds—all across rigid ethnic lines and national borders. Now, that is a neighbor, says Jesus. You can imagine the young lawyer’s face when the concept of his neighbor just got expanded more than he ever could have imagined. – Jim Wallis, Christ is Crisis, 29.

Theologian and historian Gustavo Gutiérrez offered insight as well: “Who is my neighbor? The neighbor was the Samaritan who approached the wounded man and made him his neighbor. The neighbor... is not he whom I find in my path, but rather he in whose path I place myself, he whom I approach and actively seek” (quoted in Christ in Crisis, 29). In other words, to follow Jesus’ teaching means to be willing to recognize where the hurting people are and be willing to cross over to them.  This reminds me of Jesus’ parable about the good shepherd that leaves the 99 to look for the one lost sheep.  Ridiculously impractical, yet absolutely what we see in Jesus as representative of the incarnation of the Spirit of God.  The fictional Good Samaritan resembles the historical Jesus and those who follow him closely.

So much for a short teaching...  Still time to get a rough draft done on the acceptance speech.

Good grief. I have to offer one last thing.

Shalom is the Answer, Motivation, and Goal.  It has dawned on me that we could do all of the above and still miss the most important word which shows up in each of the two greatest commandments: love.  All of the above are good and make the world a better place, yet without love, they are missing the most critical ingredient and run the risk of just adding to the noise.

When we have been won over by shalom, however, there is a significant shift.  We much more naturally find ourselves acting like the Good Samaritan in our attitude, behavior, tone – everything.  We enter into challenging contexts grounded in shalom, fully resourced with shalom, utilizing shalom, and fostering the growth of shalom.  Shalom is the fruit of being captivated by love as defined by God.  Such love radically reshapes and reorders our lives.  When we’re rapt in God’s love, we find ourselves asking different questions than before, other-centered questions more than self-centered ones.  This reality was expressed in the last speech delivered by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the day before he was assassinated, where he talks about the parable of the Good Samaritan and what happened on that road:

In the day of Jesus it came to be known as the “Bloody Pass.” And you know, it’s possible that the priest and the Levite looked over that man on the ground and wondered if the robbers were still around. Or it’s possible that they felt that the man on the ground was merely faking. And he was acting like he had been robbed and hurt, in order to seize them over there, lure them there for quick and easy seizure. And so the first question that the Levite asked was, “If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?” But then the Good Samaritan came by. And he reversed the question: “If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?” – Last speech of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, April 3, 1968

I hope this teaching has given you a lot to think about.  Mostly, I hope it has created a craving in your for the love of God.  The more you found your life in that Kingdom reality, the more you will live in and foster shalom, which is the hope of the world.  The Lord’s prayer flows naturally when we are so aligned with the Spirit in this regard.  The words become our words, and our heart easily joins them:

Our Father in heaven, reveal who you are. Set the world right; Do what's best — as above, so below. Keep us alive with three square meals. Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others. Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. You're in charge! You can do anything you want! You're ablaze in beauty! Yes. Yes. Yes.

Go Be Jesus: Unlearning to Learn, Part Two

Note: You can watch this teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

Jesus did not live primarily in order to die one day so that we could be forgiven.  This is an unchecked heresy of Evangelicalism and Christian Fundamentalism.

Jesus did not come to initiate a “nice” campaign.  The Jewish leaders and the Roman Empire didn’t orchestrate capital punishment for people guilty of being too nice.  Crucifixion was reserved primarily for those guilty of insurrection.

Jesus was on a world-changing mission that required great courage on his part, and on all who dared to follow.  The invitation still stands.  Today, let’s get under the hood a bit and see what he was teaching and what it meant.

Remember the context. Jesus was terribly poor, hailing from a region of Israel known for its poverty in culture and power.  Under Roman occupation, Jesus and his Jewish contemporaries had little hope for a brighter future.  Jesus knew the emotional toll that comes with lack of food, lack of housing, lack of employment, lack of respect – his life in so many ways was lacking.

Something happened later in his life that completely changed his perspective, however, and he emerged as the leader of a movement that appeared to be empowered by God.  His mission? To help usher in the Kingdom of God increasingly into all the world.  The primary value and goal of the movement was shalom – a Jewish notion of deep peace that represents wellbeing, harmony and wholeness among individuals, in community, and even between varying cultures and their governments, and between humanity and creation itself.  The Way of the Kingdom of God was different than the ways of the world – the only way Jesus sought to usher more shalom into the world was with shalom.  He invited his contemporaries to get in on the project.

Most of the people he knew were in a similar lot.  Poor, oppressed, weary, hopeless, mourning, etc.  Because he saw with Kingdom eyes, he didn’t see them the way the world did, as losers or stupid, but as blessed, especially loved by God because the powerful did not.  What we call the beatitudes were expressions of love and hope to hurting people who felt powerless.

Jesus’ “campaign speech”, the Sermon on the Mount, laid out some basic principles of the Way of God which, when read casually, are inspiring and thought provoking even today, with some helpful, challenging ideas to consider. What we often struggle to see, however, is that the sermon was laden with calls to be politically savvy with the goal of resisting the Roman Empire (and the corrupt Jewish leadership) in order to bring about change.  

Every time Jesus talked about the Kingdom of God – and he did a lot – he was offering a contrast and inherent challenge to the Roman Empire and usually the Jewish leadership in Jerusalem.  The phrase shows up 122 times in the Synoptic Gospels, of which 92 were directly attributed to Jesus. John’s Gospel used different language for it – salvation and eternal life, for instance – which were its dominant themes.  In addition, any time the phrase “good news” was used, and any time Jesus was referred to by others as “Son of God”, the Roman Empire and its emperor were directly challenged.  Rome’s Good News was a peace that came by military force: everybody toe the line or face the brutal consequences.

Such tyranny created a hatred toward Rome from the Jewish people, and every now and then some Jewish groups would rise up to try and regain some ground, only to be trounced and often crucified.  Naturally, as a people who had been occupied against their will by force, they wanted to return the favor.  Defeating Rome with military force – turbo-charged by the Spirit of God like what they remembered of the Exodus – was their dream and prayer.  It is very important to sit with this reality. 

Jesus was very aware that he was oppressed. And his primary audience?  Oppressed.  If you have experienced oppression, Jesus’ words are going to resonate with you more than those (like me) who have not.  By the way, white men have been studying and teaching Jesus for most of Christianity’s existence.  Could it be some things were missed because they were generally seeing the world through the eyes of the oppressor and not the oppressed? Of course!  Oppressors generally never see all of the ways they oppress, and likely minimize or rationalize or trivialize aspects of the oppression they force on those with less power than themselves. Oh, and oppressors hate being called out.  You can almost always count on some serious retaliation when accountability comes.  I mention this because Jesus is not speaking from a white, American, middle class or higher perspective.  More likely, he speaks from within Black Lives Matter, or with undocumented immigrants.  That’s who he was.  This is not the perspective of most scholars who have influenced Christianity since its inception.  Uncomfortable yet?

Jesus was nonviolent and taught nonviolence.  As you will soon see, Jesus was extremely savvy in the way he taught his followers to encourage change.  While so many wanted to try and pull off a military coup to regain their land, Jesus taught against it, saying plainly that if one lives by the sword, they would die by the sword.  The only way you get shalom is with shalom…

I learned a lot from Ronald J. Sider’s book, If Jesus is Lord, where he addressed a handful of texts within the “stump speech” that, at first glance, seem really wimpy (which couldn’t be further from the truth).  If you have time and are up for a more academic read, check out his thoughts from a portion of his chapter on the Sermon on the Mount “below” my post. Let’s focus on this part of his speech this week:


Matthew 5:38-48 (NLT)

38 “You have heard the law that says the punishment must match the injury: ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also.40 If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too. 41 If a soldier demands that you carry his gear for a mile, carry it two miles. 42 Give to those who ask, and don’t turn away from those who want to borrow.

43 “You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. 44 But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!45 In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. 46 If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. 47 If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. 48 But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.


The “eye for an eye” text was a nod to the standard rule of law in the Ancient Near East across many cultural lines that existed for many centuries, showing up in the Old Testament and in other cultures’ legal codes.  The law actually was meant to work two ways. First, it provided some sort of justice for those who had been harmed by another (if you killed my cow, you owe me a cow).  Yet it was also there to prevent over-reaching retribution (I’m really mad that you killed my cow, so I’m going to take your cow and kill your donkey).  The prevailing attitude among Jewish people in Jesus’ day was that since they had been treated violently by the Roman Empire, it was their legal right to resort to violence in return.  Whenever they did, they were immediately crushed.  The worst of it was long after Jesus died – a four-year’ish standoff when some Jews revolted and took Jerusalem back.  They held out for quite a while, but Rome could afford to be patient.  When the food ran out for those inside the walled city and some of the Jews inside were freed, they were slaughtered in plain sight for those on Jerusalem’s walls to witness.  Eventually the city was leveled and the Jews inside killed.  The Temple was demolished and has never been restored.  Violence begets violence, and when you’re outmatched, lasting peace-as-the-absence-of-conflict will not be yours for long. When have you resorted to violence?  How did that work out for you?

            Jesus’ instruction to people who felt wronged was to resist nonviolently.  The Greek word from which “resist” comes is specifically in reference to violent resistance.  Jesus is saying that a violent approach – an eye for an eye – will not work and is not the Way. Shalom begets shalom.  In his next few statements he gives examples of how to pull off non-violent resistance.

            When Jesus said to offer the left cheek after being struck on the right, he is talking about something very specific.  At that time, one of the most insulting, demeaning public acts you could do was to give someone a back-handed slap across the face (not a fisted punch).  In fact, if you slapped an equal in this way publicly, the penalty you would face would be double the fine if you punched the person in the nose because it was so dehumanizing.  Such a degrading act was reserved for wives or slaves who were considered “less than.”  Jesus is speaking to a lot of “less thans” who had been utterly humiliated by people with greater power.  The thought among scholars is that offering the left cheek was a statement of strength, almost demanding the offender to throw a punch instead of another slap, and thereby treating the oppressed person as an equal.  It was a not-so-subtle way of standing up for one’s dignity without resorting to violence (which would likely result in defeat).

Nonviolent protests in the street regarding police brutality, or women’s rights to equality, etc., are examples of speaking truth to power.  John Lewis was beat up and left for dead by police officers when he marched across the bridge in Selma.  By not acting with violence, they were shining a light on the brutality they were protesting against.  The systems of the world want to keep such actors silent.  A nonviolent protest is one way to shine a light on what the system would prefer to keep in the dark.  Such publicly uncomfortable acts are statements that more shalom is needed.  How have you used your voice or presence to make it known that more shalom is needed?

            When Jesus offered an example of being sued in court for one’s shirt, it is another case of highlighting degrading, dehumanizing treatment.  The shirt being referenced would be the only shirt a person owns and would likely resemble a long night shirt you can find today for pajamas.  It was forbidden to take someone’s outer coat because that would serve as their blanket for sleeping.  To offer one’s coat means to become completely naked in court, which in that culture would seem incredibly embarrassing for everyone present and shine a bright light on the person who was suing for the shirt in the first place.  Perhaps, legally, the plaintiff had a right to sue for the shirt.  But should he?  No, if the shirt is all the person has left, to take it is to treat the person as “less than”.  The defendant is already humiliated.  Going full commando draws attention to the inhumanity in a nonviolent, yet inescapably noticed way that would make everybody share in the discomfort.

When San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem in response to police brutality (which is much higher statistically against blacks than whites), he was shining a light on inequality.  He was misunderstood as demeaning the flag and being unpatriotic. In actuality, he did an extremely patriotic thing by making a nonviolent statement that the equality our veterans fought for – including black veterans – was not there yet.  By the way, did you know that black WWII vets did not receive the GI Bill that white vets did, and also were not “eligible” to receive low interest mortgages with low down payments like white vets were, and were only allowed to purchase homes in less desirable locations (read this article)?   What’s patriotic about that?  How much potential generational wealth was lost due to that systematized act of inequality and inequity?  From family systems theory, we know that systems on all levels stay in place so long as everybody in the system plays their role.  When just one player in the system refuses, the system identifies the one refusing to play their part as the problem.  In alcoholic families, for instance, a child may act out.  From a distance, it may seem like the problem stems from the kid, when in reality, the problematic system is created by the alcoholic.  Kaepernick was the kid – the identified patient – who’s nonviolent act looked like the problem, yet in reality, he was simply doing what he felt he could do to wake people up using his platform.  It cost a nation some years of discomfort.  It cost him his reputation and career.  He waived no gun.  He didn’t wreck a store.  He didn’t burn a flag.  He simply took a knee to make a very plain statement: the freedom so many fought for is at stake within the country I love for full citizens who are supposed to be protected by our Constitution. His kneeling was a high-profile way of stating that shalom was needed.  How have you used your platform to draw attention to the need for more shalom?

When Jesus instructed people to go the extra mile, it likely went over like a lead balloon.  At that time, Roman soldiers could demand local people carry their gear for one mile.  Surely many in Jesus’ audience had been humiliated in this way.  What they really wanted to do was refuse to play along, but that would only result in more (likely violent) oppression.  The Roman military enforced this law and did not permit soldiers to force people to carry their gear beyond one mile.  At the end of the mile, for a Jewish person to willingly keep carrying the gear would make the soldier extremely uncomfortable. If his commanding officer found out the Jewish person went a second mile, the soldier would be in trouble.  Can you imagine the scene?  Upon taking a step toward a second mile, the powerful soldier is now insisting on carrying his own gear!  This simple nonviolent act leveled the playing field, and again shined a light on the lack of dignity Jewish people were experiencing at the hand of their oppressors.  This is a far cry from our common understanding of just being nice.

I am imagining a person who is being treated more like a servant than a fellow human being.  Perhaps one way to shine a light is to draw attention to the indignity by going over the top with the “service” in such an exaggerated way that the one served begins to see how awful their behavior has been.  Maybe it’s  represented by hospitality workers laying it on incredibly thick for guests so that complaints about the often inhumane culture get brought to the management (and above) by the guests.  What do you imagine?  What have you done?  In each case, the point is to declare, “more shalom needed here!”

When Jesus instructed his listeners to give to those who ask, he is telling them to drop the “eye for an eye”, quid pro quo thinking even in terms of economics.  The key idea is to be generous as Kingdom of God people.  Some people won’t give anything to others because they are sure the people are going to spend it in ways the donor would not approve.  In Jesus’ context, the overwhelming majority of people are extremely poor.  The people asking need to eat and are hoping to avoid getting into a common debtors agreement just to get some bread.  If you have some extra to share, share. When have you chosen to give with no strings attached to someone who needed help?

When Jesus taught his audience to love their enemies, you could likely hear a pin drop, followed by a handful of people vomiting.  This idea was not common.  The normal line of thinking was that you should love the people on your “team”, and it was perfectly okay to treat those not on your “team” with great contempt.  To love as Jesus instructs is not to dismiss harmful behavior or deny justice.  His words are not meant to go give an axe murder a big hug while the axe is still swinging.  What he is saying is that our attitudes and behavior should not be dictated by the prevailing culture around us, but rather by the Kingdom of God which calls us to a different way, a way of shalom.  

I’ve been alive long enough to remember the elections of US presidents dating back to the Ford-Carter contest.  Anybody who knows anything about US history knows that our country has endured far worse division than we do presently, yet it feels like the worst it has been in my personal memory and experience.  When we see our national leaders acting like Middle School students, our first thought should be, “more shalom needed.”  (No offense, Middle Schoolers – you get some grace since you’re going through one of the hardest periods of human development).  The challenge for Jesus followers is to not get sucked into the cesspool of degradation, but to live by the Way of Jesus in order to usher in more of the Kingdom of God.  When Jesus followers fall victim to this, everybody loses.  When Jesus followers live by shalom and seek shalom, everybody wins, even if only a little.  This doesn’t mean we ignore issues that are counter-shalom.  Of course not!  What it does mean is that we remember that we don’t get to shalom without shalom. The Middle School approach is violent and dehumanizing.  The Way of shalom is nonviolent and seeks to call out the best of humanity.  How are you speaking out about the childish behavior of your political candidates without being as childish as they are?  By the way, this is directly related to Jesus’ instruction about being perfect.  The same Greek word is used by Paul and refers to maturity, not flawlessness.  Choose to be a grown up in a world of adolescents. How have you chosen to be the grown up in the room, modeling shalom?

            Jesus’ stump speech at times brought incredible comfort to his listeners and also empowered them to see their lives and their potential differently. He was telling oppressed people that they could make a difference.  At minimum, they could live in a way that was dignified even when the world around them treated them as less than.  In community, these Jesus followers could experience an equality and equity that was unparalleled, which would provide immense support and be a conduit of shalom’s eternal love.  To follow his instructions, however, was to seek discomfort, because the nonviolent actions required courage.  Systems like staying the way they are, large and small.  To mess with it is to invite instability.  To follow Jesus is to measure our current reality against shalom, and, when necessary, shine a light on it, bringing disorder where there was once flawed order, all with the goal of ushering in shalom-shaped reorder.

            Where is there a lack of shalom in your world?  How are you going to be shalom, with shalom, in order to usher in shalom?


If Jesus is Lord, Ronald J. Sider (66-72):

A careful study of the verb used in this text ( shows clearly that Jesus is not recommending passivity. Anthistēmi is a variant of the word antistēnai (used in v. 39) and anthistēmi appears in the Greek Old Testament primarily as a military term. In forty-four of seventy-one uses in the Greek Old Testament, the word refers to armed resistance in military encounters (e.g., Lev. 26:37; Deut. 7:24; 25:18; Josh. 7:13; 23:9; Judg. 2:14).32 Josephus, the first-century Jewish historian, uses the word fifteen of seventeen times to refer to violent struggle. The Greek lexicon by Liddell and Scott defines the word to mean “set against especially in battle.”33Ephesians 6:13 uses the word antistēnai to refer to the spiritual battle against Satan when Christians are armed with the full armor of God. “In short, antistēnai means more in Matt. 5:39a than simply to ‘stand against’ or ‘resist.’ It means to resist violently, to revolt or rebel, to engage in an insurrection.”34

         N. T. Wright summarizes the meaning of the word this way: “The word ‘resist’ is antistēnai, almost a technical term for revolutionary resistance of a specifically military variety. Taken in this sense, the command draws out the implication of a good deal of the sermon so far. The way forward for Israel is not the way of violent resistance. . . but the different, oblique way of creative non-violent resistance. . . . Jesus’ people were not to become part of the resistance movement.”35 In his new translation, N. T. Wright translates verse 39 this way: “Don’t use violence to resist evil.”36

After prohibiting a violent response to evil, the text describes a proper response in four concrete situations. In each case, the commanded response is neither violent nor passive. Jesus calls his disciples not to turn aside passively or hit back but rather to confront the evil nonviolently.37 “By doing more than what the oppressor requires, the disciples bear witness to another reality (the kingdom of God).”38

Walter Wink has proposed an interpretation of verses 39b–41 that, if correct, greatly strengthens the claim that in these statements Jesus is suggesting a vigorously activist (although certainly nonviolent) response to evil and injustice.39 Some scholars agree with Wink.40 Others do not. But his argument merits careful evaluation.

Turn the other cheek. The text says, “If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also” (5:39b). Hays notes that there is widespread acceptance by commentators that someone could strike a person on the right cheek only with the back of the hand and that such an action would be the kind of insult that a superior would deliver to an inferior.41 (To test this theory, face someone and notice how much easier it is to slap that person’s right cheek with the back of your right hand than it is to hit the right cheek with your right fist.) We know from documents of the time that a backhanded blow to the right cheek was a huge insult, “the severest public affront to a person’s dignity.”42 Ancient documents also show that the fine for striking an equal with the (insulting) back of the hand was double that for a blow by one’s fist.43 But no penalty followed for striking slaves that way. A backhanded slap was for inferiors, like slaves and wives.44

If that is the proper context for understanding the saying, then Jesus’s advice to turn the other (left) cheek conveys a surprising suggestion. Normally, an inferior would simply accept the insult (or on occasion fight back). But by turning the left cheek to the person insulting one, one almost forces the attacker to use his fist if he wants to strike again. (It is much harder to hit the left cheek with a backslap than with a fist.) The effect, Wink believes, is that the inferior person astonishes the superior by a dramatic act that asserts the inferior’s dignity, not by striking back but by forcing the attacker either to stop or use his fist and thus treat the inferior as an equal. Thus, Jesus is urging a nonviolent but nonetheless activist response to evil. One cannot assert with certainty that this is Jesus’s intended meaning.45 But that conclusion is certainly plausible.

Sued for one’s coat. “If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt [inner garment], hand over your coat [outer garment] as well” (Matt. 5:40).46 The setting refers to a typical first-century context where debt was widespread among the poor. Jesus tells many parables about people in debt. Rome’s client king in Galilee, Herod Antipas, taxed the people heavily to pay tribute to Rome. Many poor people fell into debt.47

In Jesus’s example, the person taken to court for an unpaid debt is obviously very poor, owning nothing of worth to repay the debt except clothes. Such an impoverished person has no hope of winning against the richer person and so loses the inner garment as payment on the debt. Probably the reason the text says the person is being sued to give up the inner garment is because the Old Testament specifically forbade taking the outer garment as collateral for more than the daytime, because the poor person needed an outer garment to use as a blanket while sleeping.48

But why would Jesus tell this kind of poor person who has just lost an inner garment to give the person who is owed money the outer garment as well? Since many poor people had only one outer garment, that would mean stripping naked in court. And nakedness was a terrible disgrace in Palestinian Jewish society.49

Wink’s explanation is certainly plausible. The disgrace for nakedness fell not only on the naked person but also on those viewing the naked person.50 By stripping naked, the debtor exposes the cruelty not only of the creditor but also of the oppressive system the creditor represents. “The entire system by which debtors are oppressed has been publicly unmasked.”51 Rather than recommending a passive response to injustice, Jesus urges a dramatic nonviolent protest.

The second mile. “If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles” (Matt. 5:41). The

context for this saying is clearly Roman imperialism. The word translated “mile” is a Roman word, not a Jewish word.52 And the word translated “forces you” is the verbal form of the technical term (angareia) widely known in Roman law to refer to the legal right of Roman soldiers to compel subject people to carry their packs for one mile.53 Matthew 27:32 uses precisely this word to describe the way Simon of Cyrene is compelled to carry Jesus’s cross. There is also a large literature that demonstrates both that Roman soldiers often abused this right and that colonized people hated this burdensome obligation.

Earlier, in chapter 1, we saw how angry, violent rebellion against Roman rule and its collaborators kept erupting among the Jews in the century around the time of Jesus. These violent revolutionaries certainly urged fellow Jews to refuse to carry the baggage of oppressive Roman soldiers.54 What Jesus recommends “is the precise opposite of what the zealots advocated doing in their revolutionary sedition against the Romans.”55The words used and the context demonstrate that Jesus is clearly rejecting a widespread, popular attitude toward the oppressive Roman imperialists.

But is he recommending passivity? Is he urging fellow Jews to affirm Roman oppression? Again, Wink’s interpretation is intriguing and plausible. The soldier knows the colonized person has a legal obligation to carry his pack one mile. He also knows the law forbids the Roman soldier forcing the person to carry it more than one mile. And he knows his commander may punish him severely for breaking this law. So when they reach the end of the first mile, the soldier asks for his pack back. “Imagine then the soldier’s surprise when, at the next mile marker, he reluctantly reaches to assume his pack and the civilian says, ‘Oh no, let me carry it another mile.’” Now the soldier is in trouble. He may be disciplined by his superior. So he begs to be given back his pack. “Imagine the situation of a Roman infantryman pleading with a Jew to give back his pack! The humor of this scene may have escaped us, but it would scarcely have been lost on Jesus’ hearers, who must have been regaled at the prospect of thus discomfiting their oppressors.”56

With this action, the oppressed Jew seizes the initiative and asserts personal dignity—all in a nonviolent way fully compatible with loving the oppressor without endorsing the oppression.

Economic sharing. “Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you” (Matt. 5:42). It is important to note that Jesus does not say give whatever a person asks. Rather, he teaches his followers to respond in love to those in economic need. On occasion, a loving concern for the best interests of the other may prompt rejection of some of the specifics of the request. Jesus is not urging some idealistic, impractical, utopian behavior that ignores practical reality.57 But here and elsewhere he does call his disciples to doable, albeit costly, economic sharing that reflects the fact that the messianic kingdom has already begun. In that new kingdom, Jesus’s followers abandon every rigid eye for an eye, even in the economic realm.

“Love Your Enemies.” There is no dispute about the source of the traditional summons to “love your neighbor,” which Jesus mentions in verse 43. It is a verbatim quote from the Greek translation of Leviticus 19:18. In his scholarly analysis of pre-Christian Jewish thinking on love for neighbor, John Piper has shown that the neighbor whom one was obligated to love was normally understood to be a fellow Israelite.58 A different attitude toward gentiles was expected.

But who are those who call people to “hate your enemy”? Who does Jesus have in mind? We know that the Manual of Discipline of Jesus’s contemporaries the Essenes (known to us from the Dead Sea Scrolls) explicitly says, “Love all the sons of light . . ., and . . . hate all the sons of darkness.”59 And for some of the Jewish revolutionaries of Jesus’s day, “the slaying of the godless enemy out of zeal for God’s cause was a fundamental commandment, true to the rabbinic maxim: ‘Whoever spills the blood of the godless is like one who offers sacrifice.’”60

But might Jesus also be thinking of Old Testament passages? There is certainly no Old Testament text that explicitly commands hatred of enemies. In fact, there are Old Testament passages that urge kindness toward enemies. If you find your enemy’s lost donkey, return it (Exod. 23:4–5). If your enemy is hungry, feed him (Prov. 25:21).61

But a number of scholars argue that there is material in the Old Testament that does teach hatred of God’s enemies and hatred of the enemies of the people of God.62 Speaking of those who hate God, the psalmist says, “I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies” (Ps. 139:21–22). And Psalm 137 says of Babylon, an enemy nation that conquered Judah, “Happy is the one who repays you according to what you have done to us. Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks” (137:8b–9). ThusGuelich concludes, “Matthew 5:43 in one sense stands in continuity with the teaching of the Old Testament. . . . The premise of 5:43 sets forth the common understanding of the Law in the Old Testament.”63It is impossible for modern readers to be certain whether Jesus is thinking of his contemporaries or Old Testament texts. Perhaps he is thinking of both. But in any case, his command represents a radical challenge to virtually every person and culture. It urges the very opposite of the reciprocity principle embedded in the norm of an eye for an eye.

But who are the enemies Jesus summons his disciples to love? It is interesting that in Matthew 5:43 (“love your neighbor and hate your enemy”) the words for “neighbor” and “enemy” are singular. But verse 44 uses the plural: “Love your enemies.” Every class of enemy seems to be included.64

Richard Horsley has argued that the word for “enemies” (echthroi) used by Jesus refers not to foreign or military enemies but to personal enemies, because of local squabbles in small Palestinian villages. Therefore, this summons to love one’s enemies has nothing to do with the question of whether Jesus opposes killing violent enemies.65

Duke New Testament scholar Richard Hays, however, argues convincingly that Horsley is wrong. There is nothing in Matthew’s text that suggests the kind of precise social situation in small villages that Horsley imagines. Furthermore, the lexicographical evidence does not support Horsley. “The term echthroi is generic. It is often used in biblical Greek of national or military enemies.”66 For example, in Deuteronomy 20:1 (LXX), the text says, “When you go to war against your enemies [echthroi] and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them.” (It is also interesting that this verse follows immediately after Deuteronomy 19:21, which commands an eye for an eye—the principle that Jesus specifically rejects.) After a major review of recent scholarly literature on the topic, Heinz-Wolfgang Kuhn concludes that the enemies Jesus calls his disciples to love include everyone. “The directive is without boundaries. The religious, the political, and the personal are all meant. Every enemy is meant.”67

Martin Hengel, one of the leading scholars on the nationalist, revolutionary Jewish movements of Jesus’s time, thinks that Jesus’s command to love one’s enemies “was formulated with direct reference to the theocratic and nationalistic liberation movement in which hatred toward an enemy was regarded as a good work.”68 There is no way to prove that decisively. But the fact that, in the immediately preceding section, Jesus has urged his followers to carry the packs of Roman soldiers not just the legally mandated one mile but also a second mile demonstrates that Jesus is thinking about the situation the violent Jewish revolutionaries hated. If in verse 41 Jesus is talking about how to respond to Roman imperialists, it is very likely that his command to love enemies includes the people the revolutionaries seek to kill.

Jesus’s stated reason for loving one’s enemies is important. His disciples should act that way so “that you may be children of your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:45). Since God sends the sun and rain on both good and evil people, Jesus’s disciples must act in love toward everyone, both friends and enemies. As one of the beatitudes says, the peacemakers are “called children of God” (5:9).

The final verse of this section (“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect”; Matt. 5:48) could be understood to demand an impossible ideal that drives us to repentance rather than calls us to discipleship. But the word translated “perfect” (teleios) is used by Paul and often translated “mature” (e.g., 1 Cor. 2:6; Phil. 3:15). In 1 Corinthians 14:20, Paul uses this word to urge Christians to stop being children and instead think like “adults” (teleioi).69 “Jesus is not frustrating his hearers with an unachievable ideal but challenging them togrow in obedience to God’s will.”70

But we dare not minimize Jesus’s costly summons. His words echo the Old Testament call to “be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy” (Lev. 19:2). “The community of Jesus’ disciples is to reflect the holiness of God in scrupulous obedience to the will of God as disclosed through the teaching of Jesus, who has taken the place of Moses as the definitive interpreter of the Law.”71 The messianic kingdom has begun, and it is now possible and imperative for Jesus’s disciples to demonstrate (imperfectly but powerfully) the character of God. And that, according to Jesus, includes loving one’s enemies.

The same teaching about loving enemies appears in the Gospel of Luke. There too, as in Matthew, it is a major part of Jesus’s first ethical teaching.72

It is hard to exaggerate either the originality or the importance of Jesus’s direct command to love our enemies. It contradicts the practice of every society known to historians. No precise parallel to Jesus’s words has been found. New Testament scholars point out that the saying appears in both the earliest sayings tradition of Jesus’s words (scholars call it Q) and then Luke (6:27, 35) as well as Matthew. This leads Hengel to say that “this Magna Charta of agape” is what is “actually revolutionary in the message of Jesus.”73 John Howard Yoder notes that there is no other ethical issue about which the New Testament says Jesus’s disciples are like the heavenly Father when they act a certain way.74

Also striking is the fact that Matthew 5:38–48 is probably the most frequently cited biblical text when one collects all the statements about killing from the early Christian writers before the time of Constantine. Ten writers in at least twenty-eight different places cite or refer to this passage and note that Christians love their enemies and turn the other cheek. In nine instances, they link this passage from Jesus with a statement that Christians are peaceable, ignorant of war, or opposed to attacking others. Sometimes they explicitly link Jesus’s saying to a rejection of killing and war.75 In every single instance where pre-Constantinian Christian writers mention the topic of killing, they say that Christians do not do that, whether in abortion, capital punishment, or war.76 And Jesus’s statement about loving enemies is one of the reasons cited.


Note: Sider’s book is a winner. If you choose to read it, be prepared to get uncomfortable (and likely defensive).  Let it stretch you to think about things you may not have thought about before.


If Jesus is Lord Footnotes…

32. Wink, “Neither Passivity nor Violence,” 114.

33. Liddell and Scott, Greek-English Lexicon; quoted in Wink, Jesus and Nonviolence, 107.

34. Wink, “Neither Passivity nor Violence,” 115. The related word stasis is used in Mark 15:7 to refer to Barabbas’s violent insurrection and in Acts 19:40 to rioting. See also the use of variations of the basic word to refer to violent revolt  (Acts 5:37) and attacks on Christians by Jews (Acts 16:22; 17:5).

35. N. T. Wright, Jesus and the Victory of God, 291. Wright (291nn179–80) cites and agrees with Walter Wink’s basic analysis of antistēnai. Guelich has argued for a more narrow understanding of verse 39a, saying the text only condemns opposing an evil person in court (Sermon on the Mount, 220). But Richard Hays points out that although antistēnai can refer to a legal setting, this word is “not a technical term for legal opposition” and it does not normally have this sense in the rest of the New Testament. Furthermore, the narrow meaning does not make much sense of either 5:39b or 5:41, 42 (Hays, Moral Vision, 325–26). Bruner (Matthew, 1:248–49) also rejects Guelich’s view.

36. N. T. Wright, Kingdom New Testament, 9. So too Glen Stassen and David Gushee, who translate the verse: “Do not retaliate or resist violently or revengefully, by evil means” (Kingdom Ethics, 138). There is another ambiguity in verse 39a. The NIV translates, “Do not resist an evil person.” But the Greek word translated “person” is in the dative, and therefore it could equally be a masculine or a neuter. In the latter case, the word refers to evil generally, not an evil person.

37. Bruner, Matthew, 1:251.

38. Hays, Moral Vision, 326.

39. Wink, Engaging the Powers, 175–84; Wink, Powers That Be, 98–111.

40. E.g., Stassen and Gushee, Kingdom Ethics, 139; Fahey, War and the Christian Conscience, 35–38; Kraybill, Upside-Down Kingdom, 182; Neufeld, Killing Enmity, 23–25.

41. Hays, Moral Vision, 326. Hays himself is not fully convinced.

42. Keener, Gospel of Matthew, 197.

43. Gundry, Matthew, 95.

44. Wink, Engaging the Powers, 176.

45. Bruner disagrees with Wink’s argument about the slap on the right cheek but agrees that Jesus is calling the person to confront the evil, not run away or hit back. See Bruner, Matthew, 1:251.

46. The words for “shirt” and “coat” are chitōn and himation, respectively, which Liddell and Scott say mean the inner garment worn next to the skin (chitōn) and the outer garment (himation). Liddell and Scott, Greek-English Lexicon, 829, 1993.

47. Wink, Engaging the Powers, 178.

48. See Exod. 22:25–27; Deut. 24:10–13, 17. The word for “garment” in the LXX is himation. Luke 6:29b has the debtor being sued for the outer garment. Matthew’s version corresponds better with Old Testament law. Gundry, Matthew, 95.

49. Keener, Gospel of Matthew, 198.     

50. Gen. 9:20–27.

51. Wink, Engaging the Powers, 179. Stassen and Gushee agree with Wink; see Kingdom Ethics, 154.

52. France, Gospel of Matthew, 222.

53. See the massive literature cited in Wink, Engaging the Powers, 371–72nn17–19. There is no extant Roman law limiting the right to one mile, but scholars have generally believed that was the law (371n17).

54. Rome’s client king, Herod Antipas, ruled Galilee in Jesus’s day, so it is possible Matt. 5:41 refers to Herod’s soldiers. See Wink, Engaging the Powers, 373n28.

55. Schweizer, Matthew, 130. So too Bruner, Matthew, 1:255.

56. Wink, Engaging the Powers, 182.

57. Stassen and Gushee, Kingdom Ethics, 132–37, make the point that Jesus’s ethical demands in the Sermon on the Mount are realistic and doable.

58. Piper, “Love Your Enemies,” 30–32. See also, Schweizer, Matthew, 132.

59. Quoted in Schweizer, Matthew, 132. See also Josephus, JW 2.139.

60. Quoted in Hengel, Victory over Violence, 75.

61. See also 1 Sam. 24:5–7, 18; Job 31:29; Prov. 24:17.

62. So Bruner, Matthew, 1:268; Gundry, Matthew, 96–97; Guelich, Sermon on the Mount, 227; Keener, Gospel of Matthew, 203. Old Testament texts certainly command punishment of enemies (e.g., Deut. 25:17–19).

63. Guelich, Sermon on the Mount, 226–27.

64. So France, Gospel of Matthew, 225.

65. Horsley, “Ethics and Exegesis.” See also Horsley, Jesus and the Spiral of Violence, esp. 261–73.

66. Hays, Moral Vision, 328.

67. Quoted in Klassen, “‘Love Your Enemies,’” 11. So too Schrage, Ethics of the New Testament, 76.

68. Hengel, Christ and Power, 19.

69. See France, Gospel of Matthew, 228–29; Bruner, Matthew, 1:276.

70. Blomberg, Matthew, 115; so too Yoder, War of the Lamb, 146–47.

71. Hays, Moral Vision, 329.

72. Luke 6:27–36. There are some differences from Matthew in the Lukan version, but the call to love enemies and thus be children of God is central to both.

73. Hengel, Was Jesus a Revolutionist?, 26–27.

74. Yoder, War of the Lamb, 79.

75. Sider, Early Church on Killing, 171–72.

76. Sider, Early Church on Killing, 163–95, esp. 190–95.


Go Be Jesus: Campaign Speech

Note: You can watch this teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

Jesus was on a mission: to bring more shalom into the world. He talked about this whenever he spoke of the Kingdom of God, which operates from a completely different center than the kingdoms of this world. Today, we take a look at his campaign speech in Matthew 5-7. The point of this teaching is to gain familiarity with this foundational teaching, so much of the recorded video and audio are simply reading through what Jesus was remembered saying using Eugene Peterson’s The Message translation.

My challenge to you is to first listen to or watch the teaching, which includes a brief meditation on the first section of the speech. Occasionally, I give some text notes which may be helpful. This week, try to carve out 20 minutes a day to simply read through the speech on your own, jotting down a note or two about what is messing with you.

Good luck!

Go Be Jesus: Follow Me!

Note: You can watch this teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

Rob Bell did an awesome job in this Nooma Video, Dust, explaining what “Follow Me!” meant to Jesus’ original audience. It was a huge deal for Jesus to invite “everyday” people to become his disciples, and to do so implied that Jesus believed the disciples could actually learn the Way of Jesus and live it out.  Further, at one point Jesus said to them that they would do even greater things than he did!

Remember that the Way of Jesus wasn’t simply to be a nice person, but rather to bring much needed change to the world with shalom (the means), with the goal of shalom (the end). This was what the Kingdom of God was all about.  This deep peace and harmony, this real wellbeing for everyone and everything would challenge the status quo and threaten ways of the world that are not shalom.  Largely, systems that use power, intimidation, and domination, which favor those with more power over those with less, would be called out, because, simply, such a paradigm is incongruent with the nature of God.  This kind of mission would require great courage because eventually those using power to ingratiate themselves at the expense of others would do what it takes to protect their power by attempting to eliminate the threat, usually with some sort of violent behavior.  Slander, lies, and even physical harm were experienced by Jesus.  What happened to the Master would happen to his disciples. And yet, despite the challenges, the mission would be worth it and it would work, no matter how awful they were treated.  Why? Because the Kingdom of God is what is real and true and everlasting, and the kingdoms of this world always pass away. One leads to life and living, the other death and dying.  The “Follow Me!”, ironically, was an invitation to lay down one’s life for something much greater than oneself. Not violent, suicidal martyrdom, but giving oneself to a cause so fully that it actually did lead to death.  Paradoxically, such a move led to deeper experiences of life.  Jesus once said that if we hold onto our lives with a tight fist, we will actually lose the life we want so badly, but if we follow in his footsteps completely, we will find life – life everlasting, real, holistically well, harmonious, in rhythm, and in a word: shalom.

All of the above is simply to say that Jesus didn’t come to start a “nice” campaign, but rather a campaign to change the world with love, which is very much needed and worth it, and also very challenging.  And, as Bell noted, to be asked to follow implies that the one asking believes we can actually do it.  Awesome.

I can’t leave it there, however, knowing what I know.  Bell can only do so much in a brief video, and he did a fantastic job introducing us to what “follow me” meant.  But I know that if we are aware of how saying yes to “Follow Me!” plays out, we will be in a lot better shape.  Our expectations will be aligned with reality, and we won’t get thrown when it hits the fan.  Because it will. So, I offer just a few glimpses from the life of Peter – the one who dared get out of the boat to join Jesus on the walking on water experience Bell referenced. If you want to see shalom realized in the world so much that you accept the invitation, you can expect the following to happen…

Sometimes you will ace the test.  When asked by Jesus, “Who do people say that I am?”, the rest of the disciples waffled a bit, but Peter nailed it: “you are the Messiah/anointed one” (Matthew 16:13-20).  Jesus commended him, saying that such anointing is exactly what the Kingdom of God is built upon. Such a moment of spiritual insight was a mountain-top experience for Peter.  As you learn the Way of Jesus, you can expect such moments of true insight and inspiration coupled with a sense of divine blessing and celebration.  Such awakenings feel really good.  Enjoy them.  Record them.  Remember and savor them.  And remember that you have not arrived yet – there is more than a lifetime of learning ahead. Stay humble, because such awakenings can very easily tempt us toward pride which, you may have heard, generally precedes a fall…

Sometimes your pride will lead away from Kingdom of God sensibilities in favor of well-conditioned and supported paradigms of the world. Course correction will come.  Hint: correct as soon as possible to avoid robbing yourself and the world of potential shalom. Peter was feeling so confident as the star pupil that he forgot for a moment that he wasn’t the Master.  After Jesus articulated what lay ahead for him and those who followed (his non-violent shalom campaign would so threaten the power of those who held it that they would kill him), Peter let Jesus know that he must surely be mistaken.  Jesus’ response? “Get behind me, Satan, for you have in mind the things of men and not the things of God” (Matthew 16:21-28).  “Satan” needs to be viewed as a role here more than some weird demon-possession moment.  In this frame, Jesus is feeling the power of a prosecuting attorney asking if that’s really what Jesus wanted to do.  The very human, lizard-brained side of Jesus surely wanted to avoid suffering and death and instead pursue the very common (and failure-assured) method of using power, intimidation, and domination to bring about a shallow, false peace.  That’s what so many of his followers wanted him to do – how tempting! In a way, the temptation was Peter’s as much as Jesus’, wasn’t it?  Peter didn’t want to suffer and die, either.  He wanted to enjoy power and control like so many others.  But that’s not the Way that leads to life.  Count on your pride to tempt you throughout your life. Count on hearing the stinging words, “Get behind me Satan” again and again.  It’s simply part of the deal.

Sometimes our fears and insecurities will get the best of us, and we will fail.  Peter denied even knowing Jesus when it mattered most (see John 18).  You will, too.  Maybe with your lips, but most likely with your life – your attitudes and behavior will at times belie your insecurities and missteps.  No way around it – it will happen.  And it will feel like a sort of death.  We will repeat this cycle again and again because we are human beings trained on the kingdoms of this world which run counter to the Kingdom of God.  Knowing this ahead of time helps.  Expect failure.

When we fail, shalom, by its very nature, will want to restore us.  This sounds all warm and fuzzy like a Hallmark channel movie, but it’s actually painful work, a required death before resurrection, because it requires us to agree with what happened regarding our failure.  After Jesus was experienced alive in a new way after his horrible death, Peter quickly realized that he was still welcome in the company of disciples and in the company of God.  This was true.  Yet there was unfinished business to conduct: the failure needed to be recognized and thought through in order for reconciliation to take root.  Jesus held Peter accountable in an incredibly memorable scene on a beach. We like to skate over such steps in our lives.  It is much easier to just sort of casually nod to our failures and move forward.  It is not easy to break away from such face-saving devices.  In fact, it is incredibly hard to really look at where we’ve blown it.  Yet, if you want to grow forward, it is an absolute necessity.  The accountability isn’t punitive but restorative. The point of the scene wasn’t to scold Peter but to help him see what had happened more clearly so that he could grow from it (John 21:15-23).  This difficult exchange and call to follow may seem incongruent with Jesus’ statement that his yoke is easy and his burden is light, right?  It’s only easy when we are fully aligned with the Kingdom of God.  When we’re not, when we are trying to live in two kingdoms simultaneously, life is incredibly difficult.  Stay humble and in the zone of shalom.  Christians have become known for being grumpy instead of lovely.

We will grow exponentially in love and have ever deepening and heightening experiences of love if we keep on following the One who invites us forward.  Peter (or his disciples) told his listeners:

All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation, and we have a priceless inheritance—an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay. And through your faith, God is protecting you by his power until you receive this salvation, which is ready to be revealed on the last day for all to see.

So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.

You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy. The reward for trusting him will be the salvation of your souls.– 1 Peter 1:3-9 (NLT) 

Do you hear the call from the Spirit of God that flowed through Jesus so long ago calling the original disciples?  It still beckons, still calls to all people everywhere who long for more shalom in the world that will come about from the incredibly challenging yet rewarding work of bringing it about with shalom itself.  By the Spirit of God, Jesus is still calling. Will you follow?

 Bonus Material.  If you want a picture of what this journey has, in part, looked like for me, suffer through some of the stories of my discipleship below…

I grew up in a devout Christian home in a mainline Christian tradition, where there wasn’t much emphasis on hell or judgment or sin forgiveness.  When my parents thought I was old enough to make a decision to become a Christian, it was quite solemn.  I was baptized by my dad (who was a pastor).  A bonus of baptism is that, in my family, it meant you got to take communion.  To be honest, the wafer thing tasted awful and the grape juice was watered down.  I also remember not feeling much when I first took it. I was sincere in my decision, but a lot of emphasis was placed on being grateful for being forgiven.  I understood it, but it didn’t connect all that much for me.  Maybe it was because I was 9 or 10 years old and didn’t have a whole lot of juicy sins to forgive? Stealing a significant portion of my brother’s Halloween candy when I was 5 or 6 was the worst thing I could come up with.  At that point, I was just affirming that it was my decision to follow Jesus as the leader of my life and the guarantor of heaven. I’ve run into a lot of people with a similar story.  It’s not unmeaningful, but it also kind of generates a “meh” response after a while, and I’ve known many people who didn’t really do much with their faith after their confession.  It was still an important yes for me, however.  It stuck with me and is part of my story.

Was that how faith started for you – sort of affirming what was already there – like you were essentially a Christian out of the womb? I think this is akin to a lot of the initial following accounts of the disciples -theirs was an easy yes (at first).

When I was in high school, I had a lot of great conversations with my neighbor, Brenda, who was a few years older than me.  We became really good friends over the summer, mainly having each other to hang out with.  She had a different vitality to her faith than I did, and I wanted it.  Hers was a really relational faith where she seemed to have ongoing conversation with God, and sensed God speaking back to her in myriad ways.  She wasn’t crazy or anything – it was simply a lived-out faith.  I sensed something in me inviting me into the same kind of faith experience, and I said yes.  It was an incredibly moving experience that I will never forget, which brought with it an experience of the Spirit of God that was unexpected, immersive, and mind-blowing.  It was a born again kind of event, where I saw the world in a very different way than I had before. The yes deepened my understanding of God and life itself.  I was a changed person.

Have you ever had that kind of experience where you sensed God calling you to follow into that kind of relational faith?  I think this is like what we see when Jesus interacts with the Samaritan Woman at the Well. 

Even though my household faith was not “judgy”, I certainly picked up on what was on the don’t list: don’t drink or smoke, don’t swear, and don’t have sex.  My parents never actually talked with me much about sex, but youth groups and church camps sure did!  The born-again buzz that I had stuck with me for awhile, but I didn’t have a person in my life to guide me or help me (my parents would have helped, but I as a teenager, so, you know…).  My faith struggled as the experiential side faded.  I still believed, but was really in an agnostic phase for about four years, which took me through high school and halfway through college, when all of the temptations to explore the pros and cons of the don’ts are turbo-charged by hormones and coming of age.  A crisis of faith born of a heartbreak brought me to my knees after my sophomore year in college.  I was in really rough shape, and sought healing from the church I attended.  After a couple of days attending a weekend seminar on helping people heal with God’s help, I sensed God inviting me to give it a try myself.  When I finally caved, carrying four years of shame and guilt and pain and sorrow and disappointment, I found God to be graceful, welcoming, restoring, forgiving.  An experience I will never forget. It was what I consider my adult conversion.  Once again I felt born again, seeing God, my life, and the world around me very differently.

Have you had that kind of experience, where you felt reborn after life sort of killed you?  I think this is like the story of the woman who was forgiven much, or the woman caught in adultery who was then freed by Jesus, or Zacchaeus the tax collector.

The next several years were filled with success.  I graduated from college, married an incredible woman, sailed through seminary earning my Masters of Divinity, landed my first pastorate which went extremely well, and moved to California to become the pastor of what is now called CrossWalk.  The early successes – which I believe God was working in to varying degrees – pumped up my ego pretty good.  My first few years at Napa proved to be one of the hardest seasons of my life where a lot of pain from a lot of pride brought me to a crossroads. Things were so hard for a while that my faith was shaken a bit.  Yet, even while I was in the throes of spiritual turmoil, I sensed God with me.  Such a strange experience of grace during a time when I am sure my pride led me to deeply offensive attitudes and behaviors that were not in line with following Jesus.  Once I reached my breaking point, I gave up on my own way of thinking and being and gave in to yet another yes to the invitation to follow Jesus.  Once again, I was met with the freedom that comes with grace.  I was deeply humbled in all the best ways – not humiliated – and experienced God quick to comfort and guide again.  Another layer of born again, again. This cycle has repeated itself over and over again over the years.  Usually, I become aware of my pride from either my work or my marriage, and for good reason: those are the areas where I am most known and seen, where feedback is most present.  We can easily blow off comments and observations from casual friends or the majority of Facebook friends, because we tell ourselves that they don’t really know us (which is probably true).  But when those who are closest have the courage to speak truth into our lives, we either own it and deepen our relationships and our experience of living in shalom, or we pull back and distance ourselves from such painful reality, which also keeps us from growing deeper. I’m so grateful for a strong partner who is not afraid to speak truth into my life, as hard as it must be for her to say and as hard as it is for me to hear.  I hate it in the moment, and yet it is necessary if we are to grow as people and in our relationship.

Have you had any experiences like this, when your pride catches up with you, when your attitudes and behaviors don’t reflect Jesus much, and your life doesn’t much reflect the Kingdom of God or the shalom it brings?  I think this is like the time Peter challenged Jesus’ game plan to go to Jerusalem, and much later when he balked his way through the unclean foods vision, or Paul’s conversion experience.

            There have been times of great sorrow, when the shadow of death has covered my eyes and weighed down my heart.  I have known grief that is too deep for words, when you weep so hard you can’t make a sound as you just try to breathe, when you can’t sleep because it hurts, and when you wake, the pain is still there.  I know what it feels like to have a loved one slip away leaving you without them.  It is so hard.  And yet, there is a voice that invites me to follow even in those moments.  When I have said yes to that invitation, I have again and again been met with comfort and hope.  Not like a magic wand that makes it all disappear – grief is a process that takes time.  But there is grace for each moment, an appropriate amount to get me through, to give me strength and rest.  This is a great expression of shalom, of healing and wellbeing that, when embraced, when met with a yes, it takes us deeper into the heart of God and into our True Selves where we discover that we are born again, again, in some way.

            Have you ever said yes to such an invitation from God?  Have you found God to be faithful in your grief?  I think of Martha and Mary when their brother Lazarus died, and how Jesus brought hope on that fourth day.

            There have been times when saying yes has led to pain and suffering for the benefit of others, when I have sensed that I needed to bear a cross and follow Jesus.  Crosses mean death is imminent.  As a pastor, I have had many experiences where I sensed the need to introduce new ways to seeing scripture and of thinking theologically, and it always comes at a price that I mostly pay. Usually this happens after I have been stretched in my thinking and seeing which requires its own level of suffering before I inflict it on others.  Over the years I have sensed God inviting me to speak about a bigger, more expansive Christianity that is inclusive of everyone and respects other faith traditions rather than disparaging them.  I have led the church through so many changes I lost track of how many we’ve gone through!  I’ve felt invited to lead us to expand our ministry abroad, and more broadly in Napa.  For many people who love CrossWalk, they cannot imagine it any differently.  And yet, every major step represents an invitation to risk on the Way of Jesus.

            Have you ever had such experiences where you knew you were being called to follow that would carry a personal cost, and yet you did it anyway? Peter and Paul were champions of the faith, and they took their licks every step of the way.  Resistance came from Rome, from Jewish leaders, and at times from within the Christian community.

            I share my experiences with you because I think the Christian life is saying yes to Jesus’ invitation to follow again and again and again and again in a hundred different ways and contexts, all born from God’s desire to create more shalom in the world – personally with us and for the world through us. We will often be tempted to be complacent – that’s human nature – yet when we give into our lethargy we miss out on shalom that could be ours.  How much better if we could start each day waiting and looking for the invitation to follow!  How much more shalom would we enjoy, and the world around us, too?

            The invitation always comes.  It is a constant. Do you hear it?  Will you follow?

Go Be Jesus: The Jesus Campaign

Note: You can watch this teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

Is it just me, or does it feel like we are in a perennial cycle of political campaigning that never stops?  It’s like the day after an election, future challengers to newly-voted-in politicians are already criticizing and strategizing for the next round.  And, of course, there are now a seemingly unlimited number of information sources that report on all of this through their particular lens.  My wife grew up in a home where her parents chose not to install cable television service.  They got one channel.  CBS, I think. My parents opted to get cable, and we got 13 channels!  What a luxury!  Two of those were C-SPAN, another was The Weather Channel, and a couple of local broadcasting stations.  Boiled down, we still basically had three media outlets that told us what was happening in the world: ABC, NBC, and CBS.  If you are my age or older, you should feel overwhelmed by the amount of information that is thrown at us.  If you’re younger, you simply may not know you are overwhelmed because such saturation is normal.

How do you sort all of the information out?  When you are considering a candidate for public office or discerning how you want to vote on a ballot measure, what sources do you tap, and why?  What values are you looking for in a candidate that you need to see if you’re going to give them your vote?  Is it simply what political party they are aligned with?  If so, why?  Note: if you are curious what observers think about the bias of your favorite news sources, just Google “Media Bias Chart” and you’ll find a lot to chew on.

It may surprise you to learn that Jesus’ public ministry looked a lot like a political campaign.  Why do you think his words were remembered?  It wasn’t just one sermon on the mount – it was likely dozens and dozens if not hundreds of public teachings and conversations with smaller groups of people and talking a lot with his disciples as he traveled around mostly the Sea of Galilee region of northern Israel. Remember that he was executed by crucifixion, the most brutal form of capital punishment the Roman Empire could conjure, custom-made for those whom they wanted to make an example: follow them and die in absolute shame and disgrace.  Remember also that the Jewish religious leaders – the High Priest and company – were deeply instrumental in bringing him to court and finding him guilty of blasphemy and insurrection.  Jesus’ life ended in humiliation.

For many people, being a Christian simply means to be a nice person.  Christians should be nice persons, for sure, but is that what Jesus was really about?  No offense to “Be Kind” campaigns – which are wonderful and serve as good reminders of what should come naturally in a world of unkindness – but I don’t think the Jewish leadership or the Roman Authorities would have had Jesus killed for handing out buttons and giving hugs.

What does being Christian mean to you?  Is it more than being a nice person?

Jesus had a lousy tech team.  None of them knew how to create a website and thought social media was a fading trend.  But they did manage to record their remembrances of what he said and did in four related collections: the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  Each were written by different groups of people, with Mark being the first, followed by Matthew and Luke (which used Mark as a key source, explaining why they are so similar), and many years later, John was written (with greater interest in theology than chronology).  These are called gospels, which translates as “good news”.  What was the good news that captivated enough people to garner interest from religious leaders and Roman Empire officials?  What about Jesus’ message was seen as a threat?  Why didn’t Christianity die with Jesus on the cross?

This teaching series may be disturbing for many of you, because you will discover that the Christianity that resembles Jesus is quite different than the Christianity you may have originally signed up for.  It is incredibly likely that you signed up for a “Be Kind” campaign with the assurance of heaven thrown in.  Or maybe you were compelled by the heaven piece and you’re trying really hard to be kind until your reward.  Jesus does have something to say about being kind and getting to heaven – both matter – yet neither of these things were part of his core campaign message.  For the earliest followers, to say yes to remaining a Christian after Jesus’ death was to invite trouble, perhaps even torturous death. Was that part of the deal for you when you embraced the faith?  Was there any disclosure stating that your life may be at risk if you take this seriously?  I doubt it.  What was it, then, about Jesus’ message that won the hearts and lives of such ardent followers? Why did they sign up and stay signed up?

What was it that won your vote for Christianity originally?  Why did you say yes?  What was the primary message that you were saying yes to?

Every election cycle, candidates seeking office talk about the need for change.  Incumbents talk about how well their change-making is going and the need to keep changing the way they’ve been leading, and their opponents declare that the person in the office needs to change.  In one sense, Jesus was no different. Following in the footsteps of his relative, John the Baptist, famous for his fire-and-brimstone type preaching followed by baptism as a response and indicator of repentance (turning/changing), Jesus was known for talking about change, too.  Most of the time in our experience, regardless of the political promises, many are generally left underwhelmed by the lack of progress toward deep change that actually takes place, perhaps because the means to change – power – is used by all opposing sides, perpetuating the need for another coup of sorts.  The Jewish leadership at that time crafted a working relationship with Rome whereby they enjoyed a large amount of power to govern their Jewish adherents.  But power has a way of corrupting those who hold it. Jesus came to realize that the power model only led to more strife and was not rooted in the nature or person of God.  So, while Jesus came to announce a change was coming and is already here, it was founded on an entirely different paradigm: love.

Let’s take a look at how Jesus began his ministry for clues about the vision he was casting and how he was going to bring to reality. Remember that Jesus was born into extreme poverty in Northern Israel, when the Jewish people who lived there were under the Roman Empire’s occupation, which brought order to their subjects via threat of violence.  They were the world Superpower at that time.  The Jewish religious leadership were corrupt, having struck a deal with Rome whereby they were able to keep their power so long as they kept the Jewish people in check, which they did using a different threat of religious violence.  They became known for living very comfortably in Jerusalem while those they served struggled to scrape together food for each day.

Before Jesus began his public ministry, his distant cousin, John the Baptist, was calling people to turn from their former ways toward God, because he believed God was about to bring about a new chapter in history.  When he saw religious leaders who came to observe him, he called them a “brood of vipers”, charging them with only giving lip service to God without any action to back up their belief.  This was the beginning of a movement.  Jesus resonated with it, and joined the cause with his baptism, in which God showed up in a tangible expression:

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! He is the one I was talking about when I said, ‘A man is coming after me who is far greater than I am, for he existed long before me.’ I did not recognize him as the Messiah, but I have been baptizing with water so that he might be revealed to Israel.”

Then John testified, “I saw the Holy Spirit descending like a dove from heaven and resting upon him. I didn’t know he was the one, but when God sent me to baptize with water, he told me, ‘The one on whom you see the Spirit descend and rest is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.’ I saw this happen to Jesus, so I testify that he is the Chosen One of God.” –John 1:29-34 NLT

            Everybody who heard the story heard that this Jesus was anointed by God to take away the sin (singular) of the world.  Not the sins, but the sin.  Sin has been defined as the culpable disturbance of shalom. The prevailing systems that dominated the political and religious realms worked against shalom, which refers to peace, wholeness, harmony, equity on a large scale, which includes personal lives but extends to the entire world.  Jesus came to change that, to rectify that, to bring peace and harmony back to the world that had lost it because it chose the ways of power and control that offered a false peace – the absence of conflict because it was squashed by violent domination.

            Immediately following his baptism, Jesus went on an extended retreat to sort out how he would live into the new reality, the different way of God’s kingdom that leads to true shalom.  While on retreat, the following happened:

Then Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan River. He was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, where he was tempted by the devil for forty days. Jesus ate nothing all that time and became very hungry.

Then the devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become a loaf of bread.”

But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone.’”

Then the devil took him up and revealed to him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. “I will give you the glory of these kingdoms and authority over them,” the devil said, “because they are mine to give to anyone I please. I will give it all to you if you will worship me.”

Jesus replied, “The Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the Lord your God and serve only him.’”

Then the devil took him to Jerusalem, to the highest point of the Temple, and said, “If you are the Son of God, jump off! For the Scriptures say, ‘He will order his angels to protect and guard you. And they will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.’”

Jesus responded, “The Scriptures also say, ‘You must not test the Lord your God.’”

When the devil had finished tempting Jesus, he left him until the next opportunity came.

Then Jesus returned to Galilee, filled with the Holy Spirit’s power. Reports about him spread quickly through the whole region. He taught regularly in their synagogues and was praised by everyone. – Luke 4:1-15 NLT

 Jesus was tempted to live by his passions (bread), to bow down to the world’s system of order, dominance, and peace, and to place himself above God.  The temptations were to give into everything wrong about the way the world was living and leading, to which Jesus simply said “no.”  The way of God that would restore shalom was markedly different than the way that disturbed it.  Politicians say that if you want what you’ve got keep doing what you’re doing.  Jesus was fully aware that real change required an entirely different path and sensibility.  If God was the origin and goal of the shalom, then the way of God had to be the means to get there.

All four Gospels record that Jesus quickly invited people to become his disciples:

From then on Jesus began to preach, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”

One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers—Simon, also called Peter, and Andrew—throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living. Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” And they left their nets at once and followed him.

A little farther up the shore he saw two other brothers, James and John, sitting in a boat with their father, Zebedee, repairing their nets. And he called them to come, too. They immediately followed him, leaving the boat and their father behind.

Jesus traveled throughout the region of Galilee, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness. News about him spread as far as Syria, and people soon began bringing to him all who were sick. And whatever their sickness or disease, or if they were demon possessed or epileptic or paralyzed—he healed them all. Large crowds followed him wherever he went—people from Galilee, the Ten Towns, Jerusalem, from all over Judea, and from east of the Jordan River. – Matthew 4:17-25 NLT

  Who did he choose?  Not people in power, but everyday people.  Not highly educated religious folks, but common folks.  Why?  Probably because they were more in touch with the problems baked into the system that disturbed/destroyed shalom, and they would therefore have less unlearning to do going forward.  Furthermore, if they “got it”, anybody could. This was a truly grassroots movement of real, normal human beings, who resonated with the message from his home turf and beyond.

Note also that the anointed was extremely powerful on him, giving him the capacity to teach powerfully and heal many forms of diseases which, at that time in history, were considered curses by God.  Through Jesus, God was restoring people from their “sin” within their physical bodies.  He was beginning to gain great notoriety.

However, as he was prone to do, he made sure to clearly communicate that the Way of God that restored shalom to the world was not like the way that disturbed/destroyed that shalom:

When he came to the village of Nazareth, his boyhood home, he went as usual to the synagogue on the Sabbath and stood up to read the Scriptures. The scroll of Isaiah the prophet was handed to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where this was written:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,

for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released,

that the blind will see,

that the oppressed will be set free,

and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.”

He rolled up the scroll, handed it back to the attendant, and sat down. All eyes in the synagogue looked at him intently. Then he began to speak to them. “The Scripture you’ve just heard has been fulfilled this very day!”

Everyone spoke well of him and was amazed by the gracious words that came from his lips. “How can this be?” they asked. “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”

Then he said, “You will undoubtedly quote me this proverb: ‘Physician, heal yourself’—meaning, ‘Do miracles here in your hometown like those you did in Capernaum.’ But I tell you the truth, no prophet is accepted in his own hometown.

“Certainly there were many needy widows in Israel in Elijah’s time, when the heavens were closed for three and a half years, and a severe famine devastated the land. Yet Elijah was not sent to any of them. He was sent instead to a foreigner—a widow of Zarephath in the land of Sidon. And many in Israel had leprosy in the time of the prophet Elisha, but the only one healed was Naaman, a Syrian.”

When they heard this, the people in the synagogue were furious. Jumping up, they mobbed him and forced him to the edge of the hill on which the town was built. They intended to push him over the cliff, but he passed right through the crowd and went on his way. – Luke 4:16-30 NLT

            What was he saying to his nationalistic home crowd?  That God was not nationalistic.  What was the result?  Those that were counting on a paradigm where they would come into power over those who had overpowered them were infuriated. They had not yet understood that the way out of the problems of the world would not come from the ways that created the problems in the world.  You don’t restore shalom via the means that disturbed and destroyed it, even if you feel like you are God’s beloved.  Note how powerful this paradigm was in Nazareth.  They were ready to kill him, an allusion to what would eventually come.  Jesus, however, was not stopped by their attempts to nearly kill him, also an allusion to a day when power-brokers thought the movement died with Jesus, only to discover that the Kingdom of God extends beyond this life, which cannot be touched by the kingdoms of this world.

            We are living, once again, at a time when the world’s paradigm of power and domination has greatly disturbed shalom even while claiming to be its source.  We are living, once again, during a time when it appears that religions have bought into that same paradigm to varying degrees and have found themselves culpable of the very shalom they were entrusted to restore.  Once again, to see Jesus and his message clearly calls us to the same questions it did originally: do we want to see shalom restored in all its fullness?  If so, do we understand that the shalom sought by Jesus was also the shalom lived by Jesus – the means becomes the end, the end is determined by the means.

            There remains a great threat in Jesus’ mission, personally and beyond.  The power and domination mode of this world that lives in us is challenged.  Can you tell?  Can you feel it?  What do you really want in your life and in our world?  Are you satisfied with the system that got us where we are, or is there something within you that longs for something deeper, a peace that is much more than the absence of conflict but is truly the expression of harmonious well being.  If not, don’t utter the prayer Jesus taught and lived, because it is a rally cry for restoration.  If so, let your voice be loud and clear:


Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy name.

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory forever. Amen.

Deeper than Do's and Don'ts

Note: You can watch this teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

The bride and groom were before me.  It was there wedding day.  We had moved to the final section of the service where they would recite classic vows to each other, repeating after me to mitigate against wedding day jitters that can mess with memory recall.  “I, _____, take you, ____ to be my husband/wife.  To have and to hold, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and to be faithful to you ‘til death do us part.”  It was all fine for the groom until the last line about being faithful.  At first, I thought he didn’t hear me being so wrapped up in love.  So, I repeated it.  He looked at his bride, then at me.  I said it again, “to be faithful to you ‘til death do us part.”  Finally, he vowed, “to strive to be faithful to you ‘til death do us part.”  So ended the ceremony, and the relationship.  The vibe wasn’t nearly as festive, but the catering was spot on…

There are a lot of approaches to having a healthy marriage, several of which I cover with couples who want to talk about it before tying the knot (most don’t). One approach, illustrated in Willard Harley’s book, His Needs, Her Needs, takes a quid pro quo approach, where couples agree ahead of time what their relationship is going to look like and essentially draw up a covenant with each other that they sign. There is value in clearly communicating needs and wants with each other and delineating how each help meet each other’s needs. But it can get so mechanical that love is basically forgotten.  Sometimes one or both persons are so out to lunch on what “healthy” looks like that the contract serves as a pilot’s checklist before they attempt taking their marriage for a flight.  The approach has helped many couples communicate more clearly and serve each other well.

Another great marriage book written by the Yerkoviches entitled How We Love. This book goes deep into personal history, looking at family of origin issues as primary shaping influences on how a person loves others and hopes to be loved.  I have seen a lot of personal and marital healing come from that book and its related course.

I’m a growing fan of a newer method based on Emotion-Focused Therapy discovered by Dr. Sue Johnson.  The premises of this approach is that when people feel connected to each other, everything else more easily falls into place.  No contracts are needed to state needs and wants because the partners are already deeply desiring to discover that on their own, and long to serve one another.  There is less homework to be done discovering how to love one another, too, because the connection discovers that on its own.  Insults, fights, mutually assured destruction give way to loving communication.  Keep that connection strong, and the marriage will thrive.  Let the connection fade, and expect those old hurtful patterns to re-emerge.  Connection is the key.

In Paul’s letter to the Colossians, the first and greatest emphasis upon which the letter is based is Christ. Not simply Jesus, but rather that aspect of God which was the critical agent in creation itself.  When the Gospel of John’s Prologue refers to the Word that was in the beginning, that’s Christ – the visible manifestation of God.  The Good News that Paul shared is that the work of Christ clearly demonstrates and communicates that all of creation – including humanity – is deeply loved by God, and that if we ever wonder if we’ve burned the bridge too badly for God to want anything to do with us, we need not worry: in Christ God reconciled everything to Godself.  Love and grace are the constant variable for us to build our lives on.  We can’t do anything to make God love us more or less – it is already fully complete.  Paul then went on to tell the church that the goal wasn’t simply to accept the Good News, like you might imagine happening at a revival altar call or something.  Sure, Paul hopes everyone will embrace the life-transforming foundation, but his real hope was that people who grow into maturity in their relationship with God evidenced in the living of their lives.  The Good News compels us to live differently, seeking to orient our lives by God’s Kingdom/True North more than any other influence.

The remainder of the letter moves through a series of ethical concerns listing a bunch of behaviors that they should stop doing, and also providing direction on what they should be doing. If you’ve read it, you know that Colossians chapter three can come off like a real buzz kill.  No horny teenager wants to read that they can’t take a cookie out of the cookie jar until they’re married.  No driven American in pursuit of the American Dream wants to be reminded not to put themselves first in order to get ahead. No political talk show hosts want to learn that character assassination and its related verbal assaults are off the table. Some view the whole chunk as confirmation that God is an eternal bookkeeper tracking us with great precision only to rip us apart at the end of our days. See for yourself:


Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory.

So put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you. Have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust, and evil desires. Don’t be greedy, for a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world. Because of these sins, the anger of God is coming. You used to do these things when your life was still part of this world. But now is the time to get rid of anger, rage, malicious behavior, slander, and dirty language. Don’t lie to each other, for you have stripped off your old sinful nature and all its wicked deeds. Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him. In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us.

Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.

Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.

Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting for those who belong to the Lord.

Husbands, love your wives and never treat them harshly.

Children, always obey your parents, for this pleases the Lord. Fathers, do not aggravate your children, or they will become discouraged.

Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything you do. Try to please them all the time, not just when they are watching you. Serve them sincerely because of your reverent fear of the Lord. Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ. But if you do what is wrong, you will be paid back for the wrong you have done. For God has no favorites.

Masters, be just and fair to your slaves. Remember that you also have a Master—in heaven.

Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. Pray for us, too, that God will give us many opportunities to speak about his mysterious plan concerning Christ. That is why I am here in chains. Pray that I will proclaim this message as clearly as I should.

Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone. – Colossians 3:1-4:6 |NLT


Oh, and did you catch the bit about wives submitting to husbands?  Or how about slaves obeying their masters?  Did anybody else throw up a little just then? What do we do with such outdated advice? Should we just chuck the whole thing?  Tempting, for sure.  Yet if we dust off our hermeneutic, we may find more relevance than originally thought.  And yes, you do have a hermeneutic, and it’s showing right now…

Hermeneutics is the fancy word that refers to how we read and apply biblical text.  I believe that we should use the same hermeneutic for all of the Bible’s texts if we want to have any consistency in our faith, otherwise we really do become guilty of favoring some passages over others for no other reasons than the favored ones likely bolster our held world view.  My hermeneutic includes a belief that well-meaning, faithful people wrote the Bible.  While they likely prayed a lot as they wrote, God did not override their quills or stories. This, by the way, is a direct challenge to what is called plenary inspiration.  I don’t believe in it, and I don’t think the biblical writers did either.  Since human beings wrote the Bible in a wide range of contexts over many centuries, I am confident they made some mistakes.  Some minor, some major. This, by the way, is a direct challenge to the idea that the Bible is inerrant and infallible.  I don’t think the biblical writers thought that either of those words were true of the scriptures, including Jesus (who never wrote anything down – photographic memory, I guess).  Ancient Rabbis, by and large agree with me, which means that Jesus and Paul agree with me, too, since they were part of the ancient Jewish rabbinical tradition.  They would have wanted robust discussions about the meaning of texts and were comfortable ignoring texts that they simply couldn’t make heads or tails of. Context was appreciated.  Realizing context is everything allowed them the freedom of flexibility.  Respecting genre enabled them to read some passages as the metaphors they were intended to be.  What does that all mean for the above passage related to wives and slaves, specifically?  It means we allow Paul to write at a time when women were treated as property and slaves were mostly indentured servants. Knowing that Paul actually championed gender equality (and writes of equality in this letter), he would likely rescind the submission instruction today.  Ditto on the slave and master advice, especially if he could have seen the atrocious abomination that was American Slavery. (Side note: it’s interesting that we can quickly recognize the sever inhumanity of Hitler’s Nazism and other historical examples of barbaric behavior yet still struggle to own the slavery which we took to an unparalleled level simply for profitable gain.  Recently the world marked the 75th anniversary of the US’s dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, which burned over 100,000 (mostly) civilians to death (men, women and children).  Such barbarism wasn’t illegal until after the world witnessed it in us. Imagine what Paul would write to the US…).

The buzz kill instructions need to be appreciated beyond the Willard Harley quid pro quo, contractual lens.  We can sometimes jump right to the words about God’s wrath and find ourselves questioning God’s love for us all over again.  Perhaps Paul would edit his letter if he wrote this in 2020.  What we can see here, in light of the context of the whole letter is that the foundation of the entire ethic that Paul is instructing is being connected to God thanks to God’s unending love for us.  Paul is definitely favoring a “connection” based relationship approach here, and is pointing out that there are behaviors that hurt than connection.  If Jesus taught that the two greatest commandments are to love God with all we’ve got and all we are, and to love our neighbor as ourselves, that means we drop behavior that hurts ourselves and others, all because of our love for God, others, and ourselves.

Maybe you are clueless and don’t realize that some of the behaviors listed are destructive.  Go ahead and cut those out of your life like outdated sweaters and shoes.  You’ve got a new wardrobe; you’ve been born into something fresh and eternal.  Wear clothes from that closet.

Think of your faith like a marriage, because that metaphor is legit.  Keeping your love for God strong and connected is what yields the life you are meant to live that not only blesses you but seeks to bless the whole world. When it’s “on”, the new clothes fit effortlessly, perfectly, are noticeable and remarkable. Lovely. How do we do that? We think on Christ, we keep our minds focused on Christ, we integrate disciplines that remind us of what matters most in our lives. Sometimes we have to be really intentional about this, especially since so much of the noise in our world isn’t supportive of faith beyond the shallows.  What are you doing to foster your connection to God? If you don’t know, it might mean you’re missing out on a level of vitality you didn’t know what possible.

I struggle with leaving work at the office.  As a pastor and an Enneagram Type 3, I am pretty driven.  If I don’t monitor myself, I can find myself constantly at work even if I’m not.  At times, I literally need to change my playlist to help my mind get out of work mode and into more important things in life mode like my wife and kids and actually having a life beyond work.  Lynne and I have together created a growing playlist of tunes we both like that serve to in some way represent out love for each other.  At times when I need to let work go, I play that playlist and am transported into my marriage.  I’m amazed how effective it can be.  Perhaps you need to do something similar regarding your faith, to remind you of God’s love for you and your love for God.  Give it a try.  What do you to lose except your quality of life and a better world for everybody?

John Lewis, Jesus, Paul, and You: Love in Action

Note: You can watch this teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

            On July 17, 2020, Rep. John Lewis lost his fight with Pancreatic Cancer.  Lewis was known for taking on challenges.  He was the last of the Big Six leaders who were key leaders during the Civil Rights movement in the 1960’s.  He co-led the march over the Edmund Pettus Bridge on what would become known in the US as Bloody Sunday, where peaceful marchers were beaten by Alabama State police.  Lewis was beaten – receiving a concussion – and thought he was going to die.  Nobody would blame Lewis for holding hatred toward the officers and their leaders who commanded such violent action on non-violent protestors.  But Lewis didn’t hate his oppressors.  He trained himself not to.  The primary reason he couldn’t allow himself to harbor hatred was because of his theology.  Lewis essentially believed that those who beat him had Christ within them, that they had intrinsic worth, that they were, therefore, at their core, good.  He chose a path of love even toward his enemies.  Sounds like Jesus. It also sounds like one of Jesus’ converts, Paul.

            Paul reportedly wrote the letters to the churches in Colosse and Ephesus, as well as a letter to Philemon, from Rome where he was under house arrest.  He would not leave Rome alive.  He was in the final season of his life, but he was not done living, and not done making a positive contribution to the world.  His letters to the church were meant to encourage people who found themselves trying to live into a new paradigm, one which was heralded by Jesus as the Way of the Kingdom of God.  Paul spent his last days physically living under the shadow of the Roman Empire while doing his best to live under the reign of God.

            Most Jewish people had a bad opinion of non-Jewish people – Gentiles – and for understandable reasons.  For most of their history, the Jewish people lived under the thumb of foreign oppressors, with Rome being the dominating force during Jesus and Paul’s lives.  Living under the Pax Roman which came with extremely heavy taxation, it would not be difficult to imagine the underlying hatred that simmered just below the surface for many Jewish people in the first century CE.  And yet Paul was able to transcend that hatred.

            One reason Paul was able to avoid succumbing to hating his oppressors is because he saw them with God-fashioned eyes.  More than simply being loving and forgiving, Paul, as recognized in his letters to Colosse and Ephesus, believed that through Christ, everything had been reconciled to God.  Further, he understood that Jesus taught and lived to bring to light a great truth: “God wanted [God’s people] to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory” (Colossians 1:27 NLT).

            This truth which transformed Paul communicated that every person is inherently worthy of dignity and respect, because the creative presence of Christ is a part of them. Paul was deeply convinced of this truth as evidenced in his other letters encouraging Jesus followers to see beyond the labels they put on others and rather view everybody as equals in terms of God’s love and grace.  This moved Paul to treat others from a position of grace instead of hatred.

This capacity to see Christ in others and in everyone and in every part of creation is the game-changing paradigm shift.  When the shift is made, it is truly an experience of being born again.  Many people who wake up to the grace that is theirs are immediately more graceful toward others, even those who oppressed them in some way.  The love of God is that powerful.  It is a choice to embrace it or not.  Paul uses language like circumcision, baptism, and death-and-resurrection to describe the decision his Colossian audience made to follow a new Way.

            When have you experienced a waking up moment akin to being born again or anew?  

            Paul knew, however, that being born again was really just the start.  As he wrote to the Colossians, “we want to present everybody to God, perfect [mature, full-grown, fully initiated, complete] in their relationship to Christ” (Colossians 1:28b NLT).  Paul knew that God’s dream was for everyone to grow into their healthiest full potential where they thrive, propelled by the very Spirit of God.  This is not easily done.  As John Lewis surmised, while people may be born innocent, they are immediately trained to see the world through the eyes of those who raise them, which is always distorted to varying degrees.  Correcting vision is an unlearning process that requires intent and courage and involves action that may go against the status quo.  This is why Paul instructed the Colossians not to be swayed to participate in practices that ran counter to the Way of Jesus.  Be certain, however, that when the Colossian people chose not to engage in the behavior of the majority, it came with a price (as it always does).  Sometimes the price is social, sometimes economic, sometimes physical, sometimes emotional – but always there is a price to be paid by those who behave counter-culturally.

            When has choosing the Way of God – the Way of Love, Peace, Justice, Mercy, Humility, etc. – cost you something? What choices are before you right now?

            Paul knew that to mature in Christ – to live more and more into our True Selves – required work.  He instructed: “And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness” (Colossians 2:6-7 NLT).  Rooted in Christ, building on Christ, leads to the life we were meant to live.  When we are living that life, thankfulness overflows.

            Jesus used both of these metaphors.  He is remembered using a parable about four soils into which seeds of faith are planted with varying levels of success: rocky soil, weedy soil, a well-trodden path, and good soil.  The type of soil we are when we receive the seed of the Good News determines to differing degrees how well the seed will grow.  Obviously, the good soil is most likely to produce a good plant.  We can’t help our original soil, but we can definitely influence our type of soil once we know it’s a “thing”. 

How are you promoting healthy soil for your soul, for your faith?

Jesus concluded his Sermon on the Mount with a parable about building on his teaching (Mt. 7:24-27).  Jewish leaders were present who knew the right answers but did not live accordingly.  Jesus admonished them, saying that they were essentially not in relationship with God.  The relationship is one of knowing and acting on what we know. Without the action piece, we might have a beautiful structure, but it won’t be able to handle the storms of life.  James said that faith without works is dead.

In light of Jesus’ teaching about building on a foundation of rock as the putting into practice what Jesus taught, how are you doing?  In what areas of your life has this come easily?  In what areas has it been more difficult? How do you know when you’re not practicing what has been preached?

In his interview with Krista Tippet, John Lewis talked about his lifelong work regarding civil rights was love in action.  Love of nation, love of neighbor, love of the beloved community dream – all compelled him to action to see the best in each realized. It was this love that kept him from hating his oppressors, that kept him on the path of non-violence, and that helped him persevere.  Makes me think that Christ really was in him.  

Beyond theological reasoning, how might we know Christ is really in us? What role does our action play in our experience of faith, in our spiritual knowing and assurance?

Colossians 1: Good News!

Note: You can watch this teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

Colossians 1: Good News


Imagine waking up tired.  The news of the day is heavy.  The economic outlook is bleak.  You check your social media and are bombarded with instructions on what you should and shouldn’t be doing to stay safe.  It feels like no matter what you do, someone is looking over your shoulder letting you know you blew it and should feel ashamed of yourself.  You are a spiritual person who heard of Jesus and you’ve been trying your best to stick with it, but it’s hard.  There are people who think you’re a fool and admonish you to get back to the way most other people seem to be believing.  You hear this from deeply religious people and deeply unreligious spiritual people alike.  Oh, and imagine great political and economic uncertainty. All of this together makes your stomach hurt, weighs on your heart, and makes your mind churn. Imagine how this impacts how you feel about yourself and your future.  Can you imagine this?

            Of course, I’m talking about waking up in the city of Colosse during the second half of the first century CE.  Might as well be talking about Napa, CA, in 2020!

            Knowing that early Jesus followers (Christians) were struggling with all of the above, the Apostle Paul wanted to send a letter of encouragement.  As you read the opening paragraphs below, I wonder how it would make you feel as a recipient?



This letter is from Paul*, chosen by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus, and from our brother Timothy.

We are writing to God’s holy people in the city of Colosse, who are faithful brothers and sisters in Christ.

May God our Father give you grace and peace.

We always pray for you, and we give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. For we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and your love for all of God’s people, which come from your confident hope of what God has reserved for you in heaven. You have had this expectation ever since you first heard the truth of the Good News.

This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace.

You learned about the Good News from Epaphras, our beloved co-worker. He is Christ’s faithful servant, and he is helping us on your behalf. He has told us about the love for others that the Holy Spirit has given you.

So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.

We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light. For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.


The opening words above provide a classic example of a letter written in the first century CE in the Greco-Roman world. Paul lets them know up front that he is deeply grateful for them and recognizes their good work as Jesus followers, and alludes to some themes he is going to flesh out in the body of the letter to come. You feel quite honored receiving a letter from the big cheese, the Apostle Paul!  And it turns out he’s proud of you!  How wonderful! He obviously knows your church’s story because he mentions Epaphras, the leader who founded your community.  You are thrilled to hear that the message that captivated you is having a similar impact all over the world.  So far, this is good stuff!  You read on to hear that Paul himself is praying for your church!  Paul himself!  Wow!  And it seems from what he is praying for that he really knows what you’re struggling with. He knows you’ve been thrown off a bit by all the noise from people with their own ideas which happen to be quite popular.  Being in the minority has made you question the whole message and made it more difficult to follow.  Paul’s words are a salve to your wounded, heavy heart.  You hear him praying for strength directly from the Spirit of God to help you patiently endure living in such a reality, to not give up, because the Way of Jesus leads to a fruitful, good, hopeful life.  Then Paul pens the words to a hymn that poetically reminds you of Christ, the foundation of the Good News message that changed your life:



Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.

He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation,

for through him God created everything

in the heavenly realms and on earth.

He made the things we can see

and the things we can’t see—

such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world.

Everything was created through him and for him.

He existed before anything else,

and he holds all creation together.

Christ is also the head of the church,

which is his body.

He is the beginning,

supreme over all who rise from the dead.

So he is first in everything.

For God in all his fullness

was pleased to live in Christ,

and through him God reconciled

everything to himself.

He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth

by means of Christ’s blood on the cross.


And then Paul applies the core content of the hymn to their daily living:


This includes you who were once far away from God. You were his enemies, separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions. Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.

But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it. Don’t drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News. The Good News has been preached all over the world, and I, Paul, have been appointed as God’s servant to proclaim it.


When you consider what Paul has written so far, your heart swells.  The way the world around you thinks about the cosmos is that the gods are in constant need of reminders of your sincere allegiance to them: offerings of various sorts and strict adherence to following the letter of the law, all with a sorrowful, repentant, sincere frown on your face.  A joyless, hopeless life where you can’t help but feel like a loser.  According to the loudest religious voices around you, your origin story is bad, making you bad.  You’ve been told this story in a hundred ways since you were born.

            Some of you can really relate to this.  Maybe for you the religious tradition may have claimed to be good news, but once you were in it became a prison of legalism with no escape – toe the line or lose your salvation.  You were a loser from birth – don’t you forget it!  Grovel for the rest of your life like a dutiful slave, and be happy you haven’t been tortured more than you have.  Maybe for some of you it wasn’t about religion, but rather very painful messages you received from unhealthy people who, out of their brokenness, communicated to you that you were an object to be used and abused.  You bear the scars of a crushed self-esteem from such an awful origin story.

            Hearing Paul’s words, however, you are reminded of the Good News that captivated you in the first place.  The presence of God was not just the cause of creation, but is also infused in it.  God isn’t “up there” in heaven.  God is everywhere.  Everything is anointed by God.  Everything, therefore, is inherently good.  Even the worst form of capital punishment, designed to humiliate those so sentenced, did not defeat the Good News.  The witness of the life-after-death resurrection of Christ declared victory over death, our greatest nemesis and source of our fear.  God is eternal and forever good.  So is the anointed, God-infused creation, which includes us.  What is of God is not defeated by death.  That within us that is the reflection of God is eternal and will never perish.  The grave is not our end.  Building our lives on this good news origin story has the power to overcome whatever bad news we’ve been sold.  So much so that even if we find ourselves in deep trouble, we can still find ourselves buoyed by deep joy.

            Christ is a game changer.  Our whole view of our lives is radically changed if we’ll embrace it.  The old, destructive voices are dead and gone and replaced by new, more beautiful voices that echo from Godself. As biblical scholar Andrew Lincoln observes (The Letter to the Colossians, New Interpreters Bible):


If this status of Christ is truly appreciated, then both the dualistic tendencies and the world-denying spirituality that are always in danger of creeping into the life of the Christian church are undercut. Since Christ is the one at work in creation as well as in redemption, then the created world is immeasurably enhanced, not relegated to some inferior status by the work of reconciliation. Salvation is not rescue from a totally evil world but the claiming of the rightful possession of this world by the one who was an agent in its creation. The scope of salvation is as broad as life and as vast as the cosmos. 

The effect of such a belief should be to make redeemed humans more fully human. It should enable them to appreciate the creation and to work to transform the structures of this world rather than to produce a private piety or spirituality that attempts to cut itself off from the body, ignores the natural environment, and disdains culture. If reconciliation of all things in Christ is at the center of God’s purposes, then the pursuit of peace and acts of reconciliation by Christians serve those purposes. Working for a fair distribution of the world’s resources, being concerned for animal welfare, and struggling to prevent the collapse of the ecosystem through the pollution of air, soil, and water have everything to do with this passage’s celebration of cosmic reconciliation.


Lincoln is blowing the lid off of a small Christianity that is mostly about personal spirituality.  The Good News of Jesus of Nazareth, who fully embraced and modeled what it means to live anointed (Christ), is a lifelong, global project for Christians (literally little Christs/anointeds) to enjoy and advance.  As Richard Rohr notes (The Universal Christ, 67):


We must reclaim the Christian project, building from the true starting point of Original Goodness. We must reclaim Jesus as an inclusive Savior instead of an exclusionary Judge, as a Christ who holds history together as the cosmic Alpha and Omega. Then, both history and the individual can live inside of a collective safety and an assured success. Some would call this the very shape of salvation.


First Century Colossians had their faith rekindled. Their hearts swelled.  The remembered what they had signed up for, a Way the leads to the richest, deepest experiences of life now leading to the very source of life after our bodies wear out.  Rohr (201) distills the orientation and invitation like this:


The way things work and Christ are one and the same.

This is not a religion to be either fervently joined or angrily rejected.

It is a train ride already in motion.

The tracks are visible everywhere.

You can be a willing and happy traveler,

Or not. 


1.     How closely did the opening paragraph describing the world of the early Colossains parallel your current experience?

2.     Bad origin stories come from lousy theology and cultural sources: what are some of the bad origin stories you were told to embrace and where did they come from?  If you give it some thought, you may be surprised just how many messages from various sources have informed you.

3.     The “Christ Hymn” isn’t talking exclusively about the human Jesus, but something much bigger.  How would you put the concept of Christ into your own words?

4.     Christ changes the origin story from deeply flawed and already condemned to inherently and eternally good.  How have you embraced this truth in parts of your lives?  Where have you not yet fully integrated this Good News into your life?  What’s keeping you from boarding the train?



*Nerd Note: There is ongoing debate regarding the authorship of this letter.  It clearly credits Paul, and at the end of the letter he apparently signs it personally.  For those who believe the Bible to be inerrant and infallible, ready to be taken at its word, the answer is clear: Paul wrote the letter.  However, scholars over the last 100 hundred years have challenged that assumption, noting that this letter and two others called the “prison” letters (because they were reportedly written by Paul while he was under house arrest in Rome) are composed with such different language from letters undisputedly written by him that it is highly unlikely that Paul was the author.  It was common practice for followers/disciples to write in the name of their leader – even signing their name – to give what they wrote authority. So, Paul may not have written the letter.  Does that mean we can’t trust the Bible?  No, it means we should examine our held assumptions about the Bible in light of good scholarship.  If Paul did not write the letter personally, those who canonized it probably knew it and kept it in the earliest Christian Bible anyway – it wasn’t a deal-breaker for them.  We hold an arrogance in our Post-Enlightment Western culture.  We need to get over ourselves and allow the Bible to be what it is, which is not an airtight, perfectly written collection of writings from God’s mouth. For simplicity sake, I am going to refer to Paul writing Colossians, even though I believe it was his disciples’ work.


Meditate on this: 

If your Divine Mirror cannot fully receive you in this way,

Then it is certainly not God.

Remember that regret profits nobody.

Shame is useless.

Blame is surely a waste of time.

All hatred is a diversionary tactic, a dead end.

God always sees and loves God in you.

It seems like God has no choice.

This is God’s eternal and unilateral contract with the soul.

If you cannot allow yourself to be fully mirrored in this way,

You will never fully know who you are, much less enjoy who you are.

Nor will you know the heart of God. Richard Rohr, The Universal Christ, 208

Pete Enns TheoEd Talk

Note: You can watch this teaching on CrossWalk’s YouTube channel.

This week we hear from a voice that may not be familiar to folk more accustomed to traditional theological perspectives or those not connected to theological and biblical study. For those from a traditional, classic Christian background, you will find biblical scholar Pete Enns’ assertions refreshing, disturbing, or both. My guess is that if you’re coming from a spiritual but not religious background, you will easily resonate with what Enns has to say here.

Enns’ talk is a good set-up for a short series that begins next week on the New Testament book, Colossians.
