Mary the Tower

I’ve been waiting for the right time to share this with CrossWalk. First, the message Diana Butler Bass brings to close out the Wild Goose Festival could not be better for a Sunday in March - Women’s History Month. Second, what she brings is so helpful for people trying to get their brains around the Bible, especially those who grew up in traditions that forced compliance with the false idea that the Bible is inerrant and infallible because it was essentially written by God through human hands - none of this three things are true, and this teaching offers a reason why we should take the Bible seriously, but with an open stance. Realize that what she is sharing is relatively new information regarding a text that has been in circulation for nearly 2,000 years! We are still learning about the origins of the text in the Bible. Third, the text of Lazarus being raised from the dead (John 11) shows up next Sunday - so we’re a little early but for good reasons. Fourth, the good reason I’m offering this today and not next week is because I am ill. I’ve got some sort of cold/flu thing with an infection to boot. to hear me teach today would be even more painful than usual! Grab a cuppa and enjoy!