CrossWalk Community Church Napa

Welcome to CrossWalk Community Church

Join us Sundays at 9:00 or 10:00

Thanks for finding us!

Great news! We are making improvements to our campus to enable us to better serve Napa for decades to come! Click here to learn more.

We exist to foster mature love, deep peace, whole-making potential for all, forever inspired by the Breath of God. The Jewish tradition that shaped Jesus has a word for this: Shalom. Shalom celebrates diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging for all, which is why we welcome and affirm everyone to join in following Jesus’ example of stretching our minds, kneeling in service, standing for grace and justice, connecting with community, and communing with the Divine, all of which combine to foster a life motivated by shalom, for shalom, with shalom. Worship at its best - the highest form of worship.

We welcome and affirm our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters - CrossWalk is a safe space for you and your kids. We welcome diversity, are diverse in many ways, including gender identity, beliefs, socie-economics, neuro, education background, ethnicity, and more.

Our theological ethos. We resonate with the growing number of people in the world who are spiritual but not religious. Many have left faith because the paradigms just don’t work anymore. Many are in this deconstruction phase, wondering if there is anything to reconstruct. CrossWalk lives and breathes this reality. While we are Christian, we believe Jesus was extremely spacious and gracious in the way he understood the movement of God in the world. We want to embody the same. If you’re looking for a different take on faith that is deeply rooted and supported by a growing number of scholars and pactitioners, you just might find yourself at home here.

CrossWalk walks the talk. We talk a lot about broad inclusion and loving the world around us near and far - and we do!

  • We host over 40 recovery groups to help folx in their struggle with addiction.

  • We are home gym to multiple local schools and groups.

  • We host a great preschool - A Place of My Own.

  • We are Napa County’s first to open and last to close evacuation shelter when Mother Nature calls.

  • We offer meeting space for many Napa nonprofits who need cheap or free large space? Viewing our campus as a tool to serve the community stems from our theology that reminds us that we are the hands and feet of love, of God. What an honor to serve!

Of course, we are a full service church! Together we learn, serve, stand for grace and justice, commune with God, and connect with friends, all motivated by love, practiced with love, to bring more love into the world. If you’re looking for a great community of people wanting to make the world more lovely, gracious, good-for-everyone-and-everything, and who are also interested in developing a thoughtful, inclusive, broad spirituality, we think you’ll love CrossWalk! Join us at our 9:00 for our low-key intimate service in our Fireside Room, our fuller service in our sanctuary at 10:00, or stream the 10:00 service on our YouTube channel.

Bring your kids! They will have a blast in WeeCare (infants and preschoolers), KidsCrossing (elementary), and The 412 Lounge (Middle School) during the 10:00 service. We foster a theology that kids won’t chuck out the window once they hit high school or later. It’s love-based, science-affirming, inclusive, expansive, and service-oriented (like Jesus).

For a range of brief videos that will help you learn quickly about the way we think about a wide range of issues, click here.

For a longer look at an old but still relevant teaching on same-gender marriage, and another one on hell, click here.

We operate on Open and Relational Theology! It makes so much sense and is so compelling! Come thrive in this biblically informed, theologically sound, and philosophically grounded approach to life and faith. Questions? Bring ‘em! Feel free to shoot us an email: We hope to see you soon!