CrossWalk Community Church

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In Rhythm: Living the Way of Jesus

In this teaching, we take a brief look at a post-Easter interaction between Jesus and the disciples, and then launch into unpacking two we manifest the life that belief affords. Jesus breathes on them, telling them to receive the Holy Spirit. A question: was there any less Holy Spirit in the room or in the disciples’ lungs before Jesus breathed on them? Of course not. What changed? Jesus’ words woke them up to the reality of the indwelling Spirit. Jesus then went on to say that whoever they forgave were forgiven, and whoever they didn’t weren't. Another question: do we really have the power to control God’s grace - do our words cancel it out? Of course not. How we speak, however, carries great weight, and can keep people from knowing just how unconditional God’s grace is.

Thomas missed the opening scene and said he wouldn’t believe it unless he could prove it with his own senses. Jesus showed up again and invited Thomas to do just that! Thomas was a bit embarrassed, no doubt! Jesus then said that those who believe without seeing are blessed. I think Jesus is reminding us here that belief limited to that which we can “prove” by our senses is limiting. Sorry, Missourans…

Finally, the writer seems to wrap up the book (a chapter early) noting that the Gospel of John was written to that by believing we would have life through the power of the name of Jesus. How do we do that, exactly?

The Gospel of John is organized differently than the other Gospels. It is organized by themes and theology more than chronology. CrossWalk’s stated beliefs revolve around the movements of John’s Gospel. The following offer those belief statement in brevity, as well as what we might do with them personally and corporately.

Every Step: We Choose to Live the Way of Jesus.  If there is one word that describes Jesus and the Way of life he modeled, that word is love.  Love of God.  Love for all of creation.  We dedicate ourselves to Jesus’ Way of love, freely committing to follow his lead.  We choose to see God, biblical texts, ourselves, and the world through Jesus’ example.  This covenant leads to great personal and global hope, and also leads us to flip the tables of the status quo wherever destructive beliefs and systems exist.  This pursuit seeks the renewal of all things, resurrecting life from expressions of death.  We celebrate this free choice, and lovingly encourage others to consider the same new way of life we embrace.   What follows is what this covenant of staying in rhythm looks like…  John 1-2

We stretch.  To pursue a relationship with God is a choice to be continually stretched to new ways of thinking and being. When Jesus was with Nicodemus, John the Baptist, and the Samaritan woman at the well, he stretched their thinking with love and respect, even though it required them to let go of the familiar.  Therefore, we choose to stretch as God grows in us, and we lovingly help others stretch toward God as God works through us.  John 3-4

Personal Goal: Develop a rhythm of life-long learning to develop your faith.

Attend church!  There are multiple benefits of simply attending a church service, being stretched in your understanding is one of them. Add an exercise to help you reflect on your experience: what seemed to stick? Why? What am I invited to do in response?

Podcasts, books, audio books, magazines etc. There are a lot of very accessible resources available to us today.  If you need help knowing where to start, ask for help.

Seminars, conferences, retreats. These offerings – live or virtual – can serve to turbo-charge your faith development or act as a reboot to get you on track.

Theobabbling.  Have conversation with someone else on the journey and discover what they are learning and share what you are learning.

Church Goal: We will continually offer opportunities for people to grow in their relationship with God through Sunday teachings and a variety of learning opportunities apart form Sunday.  We will strive to see 70% of active CrossWalkers engaged in some form of learning opportunity.

We kneel.  Jesus served humbly without discrimination.  He served enemies of the state, touched untouchables, healed those who were broken, and fed those who were hungry.  Therefore, we choose to share God’s love by kneeling to serve as Jesus modeled, bringing healing to our world.  John 5-7

  • Personal Goal: Develop a rhythm of service to others. You’ll likely discover that you benefit far more than the people you serve – and it’s not because you’re lousy at service!

    • Attend church! There are always ways to serve through the church.  Some ways require training or specific skills, others don’t.  We always need more help with something!

    • Organized service. Find an organization that appeals to your passion or one that you like and help!

    • Lifestyle service. Some acts of service just show up throughout your daily life – your neighbor needs help with some, or a co-worker, or simple, random acts of kindness.

  • Church Goal: Continue offering our campus in the service of others in ways that are aligned with Christ.  We strive to have 70% of regular attenders serve in some capacity over the course of a year.

We grace.  Jesus was famous for lavishly extending grace to everyone, but especially to those who were feeling condemned. Be it an adulterous woman caught in the act, or a blind man convinced that he was beyond grace, Jesus acted with and spoke grace into their lives to free them from condemnation in all its forms.  Therefore, we choose to lift those who experience shame, to love instead of judge. We choose to do this on an individual level as well as corporately, speaking into larger cultural issues where injustice, inequality and inequity need to be addressed.  John 8-9

  • Personal Goal: Develop a rhythm of maintaining awareness about who are our mistreated, neglected, or unheard/unseen neighbors who need help gaining equality and equity.

    • Attend church! CrossWalk consistently reminds us that part of living the Way of Jesus is to stand with and for those who are experience mistreatment.

    • Stay curios. Embrace ignorance and bias as normative.  We are all conditioned to see the world in a particular way.  What might we be missing by rejecting other perspectives? Research broadly!

    • Lend your voice, hands, feet, and resources.  People often get mistreated because they lack the power to challenge the people or policies that allow it.  Your action is powerful.

    • Stand together. Get involved with groups that allow you to have a collective voice to influence change.  CrossWalk is involved with Common Ground, and there are many organizations that you may be passionate about that could use your help.

  • Church Goal: Corporately stand for and with those who are being judged in our community in some public way that is readily identifiable.  See people who have been left out of grace find grace through a CrossWalk ministry, identified by their feedback.

We incarnate.  God’s love was perhaps most profoundly expressed in the incarnation when God entered the full human experience with us in the person of Jesus.  He loved deeply by being intimately present with people in their grief, joy, shame, pain, filth, denial, and even their betrayal.  Therefore, we choose to welcome God into our darkest corners, and as those who are being indwelled by God’s Spirit, we choose to live deeply with people in the same intimate places Jesus chose to dwell.  John 10-13

  • Personal Goal: Develop a rhythm of engaging deeper community where “real life” is lived.

    • Attend church! Part of the benefit of attending a service on campus is that you are around others who resonate with CrossWalk’s approach.  That Sunday greeting may turn into a friendship.

    • Attend a group. Deep community requires time to develop.  Get involved in a group to see and be seen, to listen and to be heard. We need each other!

    • Start a group.  If a group doesn’t exist that scratches your itch, maybe you need to start one!

  • Church Goal: See 70% of our people self-identify as having walked in deeper community in response to their faith.

We connect.  Jesus’ Way kept him connected to the heartbeat of God.  Jesus fostered an intimate, personal relationship with God by practicing a variety of disciplines (solitude, prayer; gathering for worship, service, and community life) that allowed God’s presence to guide and direct his steps.  Therefore, we choose to be so connected that the image of God is clearly reflected in our thoughts, passion, and mission.  John 14-17

  • Personal Goal. Develop a rhythm of habits that help keep you centered and connected to God.

    • Attend church! Yet another benefit of attending a service is that connecting to God is primary.

    • Daily meditation. Spend 10-30 minutes daily to focus your attention on God and walking in the Way of Jesus, connected to the Spirit, led by the Spirit, responsive to the Spirit.

    • “Date Night”. Carve out a couple of hours each week to keep your faith relationship vital. Saunter your way through a trail, spend extended time in contemplation, deep dive into music that connects you to Spirit, engage an activity that focuses on love, create something, etc.

    • Retreat. Periodically, make room for a retreat for a spiritual day, weekend, week, etc.

  • Church Goal: See 70% of regular attenders intentionally connecting with God.

The Cumulative Result: We Resurrect.  Jesus’ resurrection demonstrates God’s power over death, and the possibility for new life now.  After denying knowing Jesus three times, Peter experienced resurrection as the darkness of his shame and fear gave way to new life when he was reinstated in his ministry.  Therefore, we choose to allow God’s power to bring new life wherever darkness resides, and we encourage others to do the same.  On a grand scale, this is the end goal of everything we do, the result of the Way of God being honored in this life toward the hope that lies ahead. John 18-21

  • Personal Goal: Develop a rhythm of reflection to help foster and record our journey of life in the Way. 

    • Attend church! Coming together weekly will serve as a booster shot for staying the course, and the elements of the service foster the renewing work of the Spirit in our lives and help you celebrate!

    • Frequent Examen. Daily or weekly, spend time reflecting/writing about how your experience living the Way of Jesus has gone.  This simple act has remarkable power in helping stay on track and see growth as it comes.

    • Celebrate. When you recognize your growth, mark the moment!  God is at work in your life!

  • Church Goal: See 70% of regular attenders identify an area in their life that has experienced resurrection, as well as issues/situations in our community.

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In Rhythm: Living the Way of Jesus Pete Shaw